Saturday, November 25, 2023

damn electronics

 We watched a DVD tonight

    Miracle on 34th Street, one of my favorites.

    Of course, Julia had to get it started because I. could not figure out how to get the dang thing to play.

    And at the end, it took us about 10 minutes to get it off DVD mode and into regular TV mode.  At one point we had Hells Kitchen on and could not change the channel!  It made me to never want to go to a restaurant again.

    The thing is, I don't know what we did.  So I won't know how to do it again when we watch the next DVD.

    I can see the problem when Julia finally builds her house and we end up watching something we hate because we can't figure out the TV.  Lucky Emily is so close.

    About 8months ago we broke the plug on a floor lamp.  The lamp plugged in behind the couch and evidently we pushed the couch in too far and the plug broke.

    So I bought a new plug.  

    Electricity has scared me ever since I used a vice grips to pull a live wire through a hole in the wall and ended up getting shocked across the kitchen.  We had a little galley type kitchen and I had turned off every breaker that was marked kitchen.  Well, the wire for the range hood was on a separate circuit, that was not turned off.  Or marked.  I had unnaturally curly hair for about a month.

    Today was the day to fix the lamp.  It actually  went ok.  I put on the new plug,  plugged it in, turned it on and it did not smoke, or spark.  But it did light.

    Mission accomplished!

    I also did not use the same outlet, but instead opted for an extension cord and an outlet not behind the couch.

    And we got almost all the Christmas decor distributed.  

    Julia and Emily dragged the tree up this morning, it is in its base and all I have to do is fluff it up tomorrow.  

    I do wish I had taken the flower pots in....I think they might get a little snowy tomorrow.  I should have done that a week ago, but didn't.  I will sometime this week.

    That's my boring life for today.

Peace and Love

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