Sunday, November 12, 2023

Mr. Dillon, Mr. Dillon!!

 I feel like Chester from Gunsmoke

    He was the deputy, or assistant, who walked with a stiff leg.  He sort of did a strange 2 step down the wooden sidewalks of Dodge City.

    Spent some time with Exit 99ers today.  We met at a saloon in Monroe Center for lunch and visiting.  

    And no, Miss Kitty was not there.

    At some point after lunch, I staggered backward off my chair with a loud, "Oh my gawd" which made them think the old guy was having a heart attack, stroke or some sort of seizure.

    What I was having was a severe cramp in my left leg.  In the thigh region.

    I tried walking it off, standing, drinking water....nothing relieved it.

    Carrie had me do some stretches that helped, but the muscle never loosened completely.

    And no one would rub it for me!  

    I spent a lot of time moaning, stretching, walking and rubbing before I finally found some relief.

    But back at home, it is tightening again.  So I have had a Gatorade, and a banana and lots of water.

    But it is still tight, just not as tight.  

    I dread the upcoming night.

    Anyway, it was a fun time with TC, BH, CJ, and JC.  We had some serious talk, some laughs, good food and just had a fun afternoon.

    I just hope we can do a show again, soon.

    And that my leg doesn't cramp half way through it.

Peace and Love

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