Wednesday, November 22, 2023

guilty one?

 Emily messaged us tonight to look in the back yard

    Her headlights were focused on a buck with a medium sized rack.  He was just standing in the middle of our back yard, like he belonged there.

    Then I thought:  Is this the culprit that took out my gingko tree?  Did he come back for another tree?  What does he have against me?  Against trees?

    Emily. turned off her headlights and came in, and I think Mr. Buck settled down in the grass, maybe even in my native garden.  

    I jus hope all my trees are there tomorrow.

    So, Jackie and I went to Sycamore for a medical thing.  Julia drove Aunt Ruth, Carl's wife, to the airport.

    When I saw Julia briefly this morning, I didn't say Happy Birthday.  In fact, I was totally out of touch.  I thought tomorrow was the 22nd!

    When we came home, I sat down to read the Tribune and they had an editorial about JFK's assassination this date in 1963.  I thought they were wrong.  Then I realized they were not wrong, I was!

    To make matters worse, she texted us to put on some small potatoes for her supper.  I put the potatoes in a pan, put water in the pan, put the pan on the stove and walked away.  I never turned the burner on! When she came home 20 minutes later, she did not have potatoes.  How can I be  that way?

    Seriously, it does scare me.  

    When Emily came in we gave Julia her presents, visited for a while, but did not have cake.  She got a really beautiful bouquet from "the girls" in Switzerland.  I always thought the friends she made over there were super and they proved it , again.

    Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

    Don't eat too much.

    And if you are traveling, I hope you have a safe trip by air, land or sea.

Peace and Love

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