Sunday, November 26, 2023


 When Julia wakes me up, I know there is trouble

    One time she told me a tree had disappeared.  We figured a deer got caught in the guide wires holding it straight and eventually snapped the tree to free itself then ran off with the tree.

    Today she knocked on the door and said it was cold in the house.

    It was in the lower 60s, and colder than that in the basement.

    I got up and checked.  The furnace was not running.  The fan was not running.  The heat was set to 70 but it as not running.

    I went outside to check the exhaust vent to be sure it was clear.  It was.

    I went inside and went to the circuit box.  I found the one for the furnace, flipped it, and th furnace went on.

    By the time I got upstairs it was off again.

    I called the emergency number for Anderson's and within 20 minutes a service tech was out.  He checked everything, ran some tests, and found the pressure switch was bad.  It would run for a couple of minutes then quit.

    He replaced the switch and the heat worked great!

    Timing is everything in life.

    Friday I discovered Beth's electric collar was not working....the battery was dead.  When we had the fence reactivated, I signed up for the automatic replacement batteries.  But I checked on the calendar and I last replaced the battery in June.  They last about 3 months.

    That explains why Beth has wandered out of the yard at least twice at night.  

     Friday I tried calling the fence people for a battery, but they were out.   I went on line and signed up for the battery replacement program.  I paid the money and figured the battery would get here midweek this week.

    Well, Saturday a battery comes in the mail, which means I did sign up the first time.  If I had waited 24 hours I would have discovered that.  Now I have to call the place and explain what I did.

    I also placed an on line order for a present.   Usually I get a confirmation e-mail, but I didn't.  So I called them to see what happened. The nice person asked my order number, which I did not know.  Jackie always tells me to write down the order number, but I never do.

    Well, their system was down.  She could not check any order status.  But she took my number and said she would call as soon as the the system was up again.

    I went back to yahoo mail, and voila!  My order has been shipped!

    A few minutes later the lady called and I told her I just got confirmation on the shipping, but it was strange we didn't get an order confirmation.

    If I had done my usual procrastination number, I would not have had to call.

      The best news is Sheri came over to help put up Jackie's Dickens' Village and we had pizza for supper!  That's the first time since Thanksgiving I have not had turkey.

    And the village looks great thanks to her help!

Peace and Love

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