Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Help...I need somebody

 Not just anybody, but a puzzle master

    I dug out my bird bath.  Put sand down.  

    Then I got stumped.

    Here's why.

    I can't seem to get them together!  This is how it is supposed to work.

    But I can't tell front from back!

    What the hell an I missing?  I only have 2 days of nice weather left!!

    Any help??

    Had some blood taken today for my 6 mo PSA monitoring.

    I asked the person if she had sharp needles today.

    "I just finished sharpening them this morning," she said.

    Then I asked if she had done this before.

    "Don't worry.  You are not my first patient.  You are my second."

    We had a really great back and forth.

    She had me in the children't blood draw area.  I said that was fitting considering my temperament when it came to blood draws.  She said it was no reflection on my, that was her station for the day.  She also said she had been doing this for 23 years which I found hard to believe because she looked so young.

    All the time we were talking she was doing her job.  I felt a tiny pinch and that was it.  Very nicely done.

    On the way home I decided to explore a bakery I had heard about.

    Bought some humongous cinnamon rolls for tomorrow, some cookies, 3 bagels, and some rolled and filled little cookie like pastries that I can't remember the name of at this moment.

    Moral.....never stop at a bakery when you are hungry.

Peace and Love

She tried to help

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