Monday, November 20, 2023


 My to do list is shorter, sort of 

    I have subtracted 6 things and only added 2, so the is a gain of -4, as in 4 less to dos.

    I know.  The list is never ending.  I do one, then add one, it seems.

    For example, I hauled in the almost all of the tuff from the yard, which was on the list.  But I just shoved it in the garage, which means I added a "sort stuff" item to the list.  

    I'm glad I got the downspouts reattached because otherwise I would be going out in the wet tomorrow to do that.  It took me a few minutes to ind the screws, and the correct screwdriver, but only a minute or two to actually do the work.

    Jackie had a thing today, so I had about 40 minutes to read.  This was at the local hospital, and I closed my eyes for a second or two and I heard someone walking.  I opened them up and a lady said, "I was trying to be quiet so I didn't wake you."

    That's when I wondered if I was snoring.

    I don't think I fell asleep, but I could have.

    Tomorrow I have to clean the ceiling lighting fixture in the dining room.  It is a dust collector and it should look nice for Thanksgiving.  That usually takes me a long time because my hands don't manipulate the fixture features as well as they used to.  I just hope I don't drop the glass.

     Today is an anniversary of sort.  Three years ago I had just come home from the hospital minus a prostate.  A lot of people wished me well, and I do appreciate all of you for doing that.   I know, better late than never.

    My "anniversary" appointment is a teleconference tomorrow.  I hade my PSA tested as a prep for the session and it barely registers.

    Modern medicine is indeed amazing.

Peace and Love

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