Thursday, November 23, 2023


 Surprise, I ate too much!

    I bet those same words have been repeated in several  households today.

    We were a small group, but you wouldn't know it from my being me habits.

    Jackie said get a 15 pound turkey.   I got a 17 pound turkey.  Now, 2 pounds does not seem a big difference, but when it comes to left overs, it is1!

    She said to use 5 or 6 potatoes for mashed potatoes.  I used almost 5 pounds, and we have about 3 pounds left.

    She supervised while I cooked.  I baked the turkey, which was very good.  She told me how to make mashed potatoes, but I put in a little too much milk.  I boiled the corn all by myself.

    Emily brought some more stuffing.

    Julia made a pumpkin pie and bought 2 pumpkin pie cookies.  We also had a pecan pie and Sandy brought a pumpkin mash up dessert and ham while Jen brought Cole slaw.    Excuse me while I loosen my belt.

    We also had  sweet potato pie, buns,  and a lot of laughs.

    Our friend Sam, who is about 10 years old, gave me a present.

    It's a glass ornament, with an angel's feather in it to remind me of my brother, who is now my guardian angel.   She also gave me a hand made card.

    There are many things I am thankful for:   family, friends, my health, the health of my family the usual things.

    But I am especially thankful for acts of kindness like this.  

    I miss my brother.  I think of all the times we should have gotten together, but didn't.  Yet I am thankful for the times we did and for his weather reports on those cold wintry days.

    I hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving.  I'll be serving leftovers while I  haul up 257 boxes of Christmas decorations tomorrow..  Feel free to stop in anytime after 2, when I should be getting up.

Peace and Love

Sandy did the honors....and cut the bird nicely

Petunia's Cookie Kitchen made the cookie pies and cookies!

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