Monday, November 13, 2023

what the......

My first thought was:  why in hell s a dog barking

     My second thought was:  Why is it so loud?

    My third thought was:  Why is Julia knocking at our bedroom door and talking to someone?

    I was sound asleep and forgot we had a dog!  Honestly, I was really confused.

    I was more confused when Julia said, "The guy's here."

    I had made an appointment for our furnace to be checked for winter.  I set the appointment for 8 a.m. and completely forgot.

    Yes, it was written on the calendar.

    No, I did not look at the calendar.

    Julia let him in, I put on some sweat pants, and everything was ok until........

    We have an on demand water heater.  It gets flushed and tuned every fall.

    The guy was working away and after about 20 minutes I went down to see how everything was going.

    He said he was just starting the water heater.  I commented that he needs to be sure the circulating valve is shut off because if you don't the  cleaner gets into the pipes and recirculates throughout the house.

    "Shut off valve?"  He seemed confused.

    I left him to finish and a few minutes later he came and asked me if I knew where the shut off valve was.  I did not.

    I give the guy credit, he called the shop and I believe he called the manufacturer to find the valve and shut it off.

    One time a different person did not, and we had discolored hot water.  We had to run the taps for a long time until they were all clear.

    He finished about 10:30 and checked the water, it was clear.  And hot.  He also left a sheet of instructions for future service.

    I had planned to get outside early today for a project.  I finally got Jackie ready for the day, went to the store, stopped at the post office, let out Emily's dogs and got home about 3.  I did not get the project done, but it is about 1/2 way there.

    Every day I wake up and a new part of my body hurts.

    Yesterday I had a cramp.  Luckily it did not reoccur once I went to bed.

    But I feel like I have a twisted ankle, even though I don't remember twisting it.  Add that to the sore knee, sore thumbs, sore back, and the smallest task becomes difficult.

    Supper was fairly easy.  

    Emily bought some gumbo at Costco.  She got 2 for 1, so I had gumbo for supper.  It was pretty darn good.  Julia made a pasta salad, I partially cooked 2 brats on the grill for Julia and Jackie .  For some reason, they did not like the pink inside, so I had to fire up the grill again and cook them longer.

    But all is well that ends well, right?

Peace and Love

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