Tuesday, November 28, 2023


 I am one tired boy tonight

    I actually got up early because I drove Emily to a hospital in Barrington for some surgery.

    It was not major surgery, but it was surgery. And any surgery is a major thing.

    We had to be there at 10, which was great.  Anything earlier than that would have been a real struggle for me.

    Julia is going to pick her up tomorrow.

    We had help come in to take care of Jackie because Julia isn't strong enough.  Seems the help wasn't either and Julia had to help her get Jackie into and out of her chair.

    Surgery went fine.  Doc came out and told me all was ok and she was on her way to recovery.

    She was supposed to spend 1 to 2 hours in recovery.   That meant she would be in a room about 3:30.

    At 5:30 she was still in recovery because there was no room available!  

    No  visitors are allowed in recovery.  But, since I was such a nice guy, not demanding or impatient, even after over 2 hours,  they bent the rules and took me back to see her.

    She was wide awake and we chatted for a few minutes before I left for home.

    Julia let the dogs out today and fed them tonight.  I will go over about 10 and let them out again and Johanna will feed them in the morning.  

    Ny plan was to go to Target in Lake Zurich, hit a Starbucks, then go back to the hospital to read my e-book.  But I did not bring my e-book reader, so that fizzled right away.  I did get to the Target and Starbucks.

    Some things I learned today:

    Houses in Barrington can be rather large.

    A car looked like it overturned and burned on 90 west of Marengo on my way home, closing 2 lanes.

    It is impossible to sleep in a chair in a waiting room in a hospital.  And I can sleep darn near anyplace.

    Nurses qualify for saint status.

    No matter their age, they are still  our little girls.

Peace and Love

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