Sunday, November 19, 2023

1 more time

 I have finished my bird bath puzzle

    Sometimes when you have a jig saw puzzle to do, you have to rotate pieces to have them fit.  You look for patterns, colors, shapes and then find the pieces you need.

    I did that with my bird bath pad.  For 3 days.  Hours.  And hours.  Frustration.  More frustration.

    But I solved the puzzle today.


    I got a new puzzle.

rotate!  flip!  Nothing worked

So I stacked them to start over

and went with an alternate plan

which took me less than 2 hours to do.

    All o this just so I don't have to trim around the bird bath!

    Yes, I am one brick shy of a load, but it was so frustrating to see all the grass growing around the bird bath.

    It was also frustrating to think I kept forgetting to put water in it.  Which makes the whole purpose moot if there Is no water.

    Next year I will be better.

    I finished in time to catch the last quarter of the Bears game.  How does a team allow 17 points in. under 3 minutes?  Oh my gosh.  I figure it improves their draft pick position next year because they are not going anywhere this year.

    Most of my outside chores are done....just one left.  I have to reattach some of my downspout extensions.  That should only take a couple of minutes, which is good because now it is going to get cold.

    Every year we have been in this house I have put lighted garland on the porch railings.  I have 7 sections of garland, and I love the way it looks when the house is lit at night.

    Butt, and there is always a big butt, I just don't feel like doing it this year.  I may put up the garland and not string lights on it, but I am not even sure I am wanting to do that.  Probably tomorrow I will get up the gumption to at least pull it out and check my options.  

    Jackie yelled at me because I let Beth out and forgot her.  Again.  I went outside to do something and the dog was at the front door.  I honestly don't remember letting her out.  I think I am going to have to get some kind of sign to hang on the door when she is out, because I have forgotten her a few times.  That's not bad when it is warm, or mild, but could be tragic on a cold day.  

    Peace and Love

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