Tuesday, October 31, 2023

What was that!

We had a snow squall today 

    This morning the snow was coming sideways...horizontally... and it was weird to watch.

    This afternoon it came down in all directions.  It was pretty heavy for a while, but did not leave much of an accumulation.  In fact, there was none on the roads near us, just snow on the grass.

    Otherwise, ti was a pretty tame day.

    I went to Rotary for the first time in 2 months, made a trip to DeKalb for a coat repair, bought milk and came home in time for our dog training session.

    Julia made supper and I spent time watching a couple of innings of the World Series.  I would like Arizona to win, but it does not look promising.  I do have to remember the Cubs trailed in their series before rallying to win it all.

    When we moved into this house we planted 2 sugar maples in the front yard.  One of them did not last, but the other is a beauty, especially in the fall.

Peace and Love

Some guy named Hans is missing his underwear.  How did I get it?

Julia bought a lot of carved cans....makes the season a little more festive

Our sugar maple two days ago

The sugar maple today

Monday, October 30, 2023


 I am worn out from today

    I made Jackie breakfast and lunch, then took a 90 minute nap.  

    Yes, 90 minutes.  And I am barely keeping my eyes open.

    I got to bed by 11:30 and went to sleep almost right away.  So I am getting plenty of sleep.

    I did make my daily trip to Walmart.  I swear, I no sooner get home when I discover something else we need.  Making lists does not help if you don't know what you need when you make the list.

    There is always tomorrow.

    My big surprise for the day was putting on my winter coat and discovering the zipper was broken. At least I found out before it actually got cold, and by that I mean in the 20s.  the coat is like some  people I know....missing teeth.

    So tomorrow I will take it to DeKalb to see if the nice people at The Cotton Club can replace the zipper.  If not, I need to order a new coat.

    I am not good with zippers.  I have another coat which has had the zipper replaced once, and might need it replaced again.  Maybe I should take both of them tomorrow.  

    Why replace the zipper?

    Because the coat was expensive.  Plus, it is warm and I like it.  I may not be able to find another one in my size that I like.

    'Nuff said.

    I am watching the World Series, sort of .  I have no idea who some of the people are in the commercials.  Is that Derek Jeter driving home in a huge SUV?  And are Joe Montana, Emmett Smith and Jerry Rice in a commercial with Bubba Smith?  Is that a real umpire in the Ken Griffey Jr. commercial for the insurance group?  Who is the guy in the Taco Bell commercial an why do they need a breakfast burrito??

    If I never know, I still won't care.  

    And for heaven's sake....I don't care with Taylor and Travis do.

Peace and Love

Sunday, October 29, 2023


 Today was a horrible weather day

    It was cold, and rainy, and cold, and windy.  Did I mention cold?

    I only have a couple of things to do outside.  

    I have to pick up the hoses and all the yard ornaments and bring them in.

    But I did not want to do that in the rain.  and cold.

    Luckily, before I went to let out Emily's hounds, I moved our roses and my mojito mint into the garage.  I put the roses in big ass planters on the patio and did not realize how heavy they were.  It was a struggle, and I should have asked Julia for help, but I figured I could do it myself.  Mistake.

    Nothing broken, luckily.

    Trick or treating ended a 8 last night in our area.

    At about 10 minutes to, a couple of cars stopped out in front and a bunch of kids came to the door.

    There must have been 10 of them.  They looked to be about 5th or 6th grade.

    They all said trick or tread, happy Halloween, and one kid yelled. "Happy birthday."

    I stopped and said, "How did you know it was my birthday?  Are you going to sing to me?"

    And they sang happy birthday.  But since they did not know my name, they said, mister, sir, and one kid yelled grandpa.

    I just laughed.  I gave them a handful of candy and they took off, leaving a littler girl standing there.  She had a blond wig and big bazookas and the cutest face.

    "I'm Dolly Parton," she said.

    I asked her if she was the only girl in the group and when she said yes, I asked if the boys always left her to go last and she said yes.

    So she go 2 handfuls of candy.

    I don't know the kids, but they said they came from Byron.  They were a fun group.

    After Jackie went to bed I made a toddy, sat down to finish my e-book and ran out of power 2 pages from the end.

    That's my excitement for the past 2 days......watching the Bears and it is not a pretty game.  But I will finish the book.

Peace and Love

Saturday, October 28, 2023


 I love traditions

     A tree at Christmas, egg nog, mistletoe....traditions.

    Turkey with stuffing, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie..... traditions.

    Hearts with little sayings on them, chocolates, cards, valentines..... traditions.

    That is why I am having a hard time tonight.

    Today is Oct 28.   Hunters' Moon in the sky, Bobbie's birthday, and kids out trick or treating.  Oct. 28.Not a tradition.

    Halloween is Oct. 31!  Always has been, always will be.  I hope.  But for some reason, the locals are doing trick or treating tonight.   I know, Tuesday is a school night and when I was teaching I dreaded the day after Halloween because the kids were bonkers.  Or comatose, depending on the sugar intake.

    Every Christmas Jackie and I watch Meet me in St. Louis.  (It's a tradition.)

    I am always amazed at the Halloween scene.  Kids having a bonfire in the middle of he street, throwing all sorts of wood and furniture on the blaze, and then attacking people by knocking on their door and throwing flour in their faces!  All unsupervised by adults.

    The movie is set in 1904 and  I always wonder how accurate that is.  The kids never seem to ask for candy in the movie.  I always suspected the candy idea came from a chocolate maker as a way to boost sales.

    Anyway, we had about 20-25 kids so far.  Some I know were from the neighborhood because their adults walked or rode golf carts. In town I know some houses will have 200 kids, even more.  But we are a rural area and the houses are spread apart.

    I love seeing the costumes, and the innocence on the faces.  Almost all of them, maybe even all of them, said thank you.

    One group of older....like age  9 or 10 ....kids knocked.  I opened the door and looked at them and said, in a growly voice, "Yeah? "

    They just stood there, not knowing what to say.  I may have even scared them a little (tradition).

    They just stared at  me and I slapped my head and said, "Oh!  You're trick or treating!  I forgot!"  And I gave them each a handful of candy.

    As a digression, I went to the monthly market at Cypress House today and ran into a bunch of people I have not seen in a while.  I remembered most of their names. It was great visiting and chatting with them.

    And I almost froze my butt off mowing today!  Dang, it was chilly!

    It's almost 8 p.m., when the trick or treating hours end.  I am going to establish a tradition by turning out the lights and having some wine.

    Peace and Love


Friday, October 27, 2023

watch out below

What a weather change today! 

    Yesterday we were pretty comfy, today we are not. 

    It's no longer short sleeve and no coat weather.  (Unless you are a high schooler, then it still is). The temperature dropped about 20 degrees today, or will have overnight.

    And snow may be in the forecast.

    We knew this was coming.  

    Of course, timing is everything.

    I have a new spreader and a 10,000 pound bag of fertilizer to put on the yard this fall.  But the directions say don't apply when a rain is expected, as it will wash it off and away.

    Well, the last 4 days have had rain and the next few look it too.

    I always have this problem.  Buy. the crap and then never put it on.

    I don't care if there is snow on the ground, this stuff is going on this fall.

    I was really stumped on Wordle today.  So I decided to take a nap to rest my weary brain.  As soon as I closed my eyes I found a word that fit.  Instead of getting up and entering it, I continued my nap.

    An hour later I woke up ..... and could not remember the word.

    It took me a few minutes of recall and experimentation, but I did get the word in three.  

    An that, folks, was the extent of my day.

    I am sort of watching the World Series.  I can't help it, I like baseball.

    This will, or could, be the first World Series in which a game is played indoors as both stadiums have retractable roofs.

    I think Texas and Arizona won't be as hot in October as in August, but you never know.

    As for me,  I like the Diamondbacks.  The team, not the snake.

Peace and Love

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Woo hoo

I had a pretty good day today 

    I don't say that often.  But today was nice.

    I downloaded Skype on our computer.  We had it on our old computer, but when we switched it sort of got forgotten.   I was able to download it by myself today!  Sure it took me about 20 minutes, and yes, maybe I downloaded it 2 or 3 times before I realized I had done it.  But I did it.

    I even changed my password o something I will never remember and I did  write it down.

    After I got it downloaded, I Skyped my nephew in Switzerland, whom I have not talked to since our visit in July.  I told him about Skype and he said "You could always FaceTime."  I forgot about that!  

    Then I put teak oil on my outside table and chairs.  I even put a second coat on them, so they are ready for next spring.  Now all they have to do is dry.

    I also swept up part of the garage.  It is still pretty messy, but at least the floor is swept.  

    Why do I collect all this crap??

    I went to Starbucks in town today.  Usually I go to Cypress House, but today was half price day and I was in the mood for a or a latte.

    I got there at about 2:40 only to discover the place was packed.

    Seems the high school gets out at 2:30 on Thursdays and lots of students head to Starbucks.

    If I was a high school boy, I would too.  I counted 17 girls and 3 boys inside the store. 

    And yet, I felt like I was 110 years old.  Hell, I could have been their grandfather...or even their great grandfather!!!  

    A 17 year old could have a 37 year old mother, who could have a 57 year old mother, who could have a 75 year old father.......great grand pa!!!!

    Boomer, hell.

    I have to get some plants in from outside.  I have 2 roses in containers that need to come in, plus I still have to pick up the hoses and some decorations.  

    The weather is supposed to be nice for a couple of days, but I heard the weather guy say the s word is possible on Monday.  

    We never made it to Morton Arboretum see the colors, or drive along the Rock River.  I guess we blew our chance this year.

    Like all true Cubs fans, we will wait until next year.

Peace and Love

Wednesday, October 25, 2023


 Sometimes I just get a little off

    I had 3 loads of laundry to do today.  No, we have not yet received our new washer and dryer.  It should be delivered this Saturday.

    And we did buy a brand 2 people said don't buy.....I hope we don't end up regretting it.  Consumer Reports listed it as the best HE front load washer/dryer in their product testing.  We'll see.

    I spend $4 per load to wash clothes and about $1 to dry.

    Now, I just do Jackie's and my clothes.  Julia does her own.  Granted, she air dries them, but that is what she did for most of her life in Switzerland.

    I only did 3 loads, I could have done 2 more.

    My point is, I spent about $15 to wash and dry laundry.  If I had a minimum wage job, and a family of 4, ,Iv would probably do twice the laundry I am doing.  So I would be working 4 hours  to do laundry.  Every week.   It would be hard to save for a washer and dryer at that rate.

    Another burden for folks who can't afford it.

    Anyway, got the laundry done.  My kitchen dish clothes came out stained.  I know they are clean, but I can't use them.  It's psychological.  I'll have to wash them again.  I did not use bleach on them, but did put Olyclean in the washer.

    Before I did laundry I stopped at Cypress House and had a London Fog.  That is Earl Gray tea with milk and lavender.  It is really good.

    I sometimes pop $1 in the tip jar, and today was one of those days.

    Got to the laundromat and went to get quarters an I had 2 $5 bills.  I know I put a $10 bill in my wallet before leaving the house.  Am I a generous tipper?

    Had to drive to the bank, hit the ATM. get some quarters and go back to start the third machine.

    When I got home I found the $10 bill on the table, which made me feel better.  Cheaper, but better.

    I made brats and 3 cheese Mac and cheese for supper.  I can't seem to balance getting a vegetable on the stove at the same time.  Julia is still testing positive for Covid, so we keep her away from the food.

    I always throw an extra handful of shredded cheese in the the Mac and cheese.  I did that tonight, using mozzarella to add a little flavor.

    But when I started eating it was so bland.  Jackie thought so too.

    Because it was tasteless, my first thought was I am getting Covid and losing my ability to taste.  But I could taste the brats.  Hmm.

    Mystery solved when I started doing dishes and I found the packet of cheese to put in the Mac and cheese.  Seems the only cheese in it was the mozzarella I added.

    Some day I will get the hang of cooking.

Peace and Love

Tuesday, October 24, 2023


 Certainly is strange weather

    I was thinking of that yesterday as I mowed.  

    It was in the 40s, then boom, in the 70s.

    Now strange weather patterns like that would have prompted a phone call from my brother Carl. He would say what the forecast was and then given a laugh or two 

    That's the great (?) thing about mowing.  you get to think.  I got to thinking of those phone calls from my brother and I guess the wind was blowing some dirt around, because I had to stop a couple of times because my eyes were running.  I will miss those calls.And him.

    So, today I just seemed a little down.  Maybe I was having a pity party for myself, but I just did not feel happy today.  

    Of course, I sat there and said I should do this, I should do that, and I didn't do any of those things.  That puts me ion a deeper hole.  It's circle.  

    I know tomorrow will be a better day.

Peace an Love

I don't have a lot of carrots, but they are big!

Monday, October 23, 2023


 Holy crap, I have a lot of lists

    I try to categorize things, but I am unsuccessful.

    For example, I have a list for the grocery store.  Pretty basic.  As we need something, I  sometimes write it down.  That does not mean I take the list with me, in which case I buy lots of stuff we don't need and none of the stuff we do need.

    I have a list of things to do......and I have done some of the chores on that list.  Working on it.

    I have a list of books to read.  I just added one to it, and I have finished 3 books in the last 2 weeks, but none of them were on my list.

    And movies.  I think I want to see a couple that are at the theaters, but I know I won't go.  Killers of the Flower Moon might be one of them.  One I have been trying to find I is  La Grande Vadroulle, a French film with subtitles that was supposed to be on Netflix but isn't.

    And then there are the TV shows. We watch Marvelous Mrs. Maizel, and I watched the latest season of Only Murders in the building, but I have yet to watch The Bear or Shrinking, but I do plan to. And I'd like to rewatch Schitt's Creek to catch some of the humor I missed the first time.

    Problem is time.  I spend too much time on Facebook and Solitaire.  I also read the paper on line and check breaking news as well as write my blog nightly. There is really only a 1 or 2 hour time period at night I can watch TV.  I could try to watch during the day, but that is also nap time.

    And then there are the lists themselves.  They become overwhelming and destroy my free spirit spirit.  I go where the wind takes me.  

    Sometimes I even go in the right direction and scratch something off the right list.

Peace and Love

Sunday, October 22, 2023


 Sometimes fate just smacks you in the face

    I was making a midnight yard waste bag run into town, and listening to Radio Margaritaville.

    They were replaying a Jimmy Buffett concert from 2005 at Wrigley Field.  Now, 2005 was long before I became a fan, although I admit I knew a couple of his songs.  But I did not know him, or his persona, or the mirthful mayhem of the partying before the shows.

    Years ago, and I mean years, Jackie and I were at a party.  The host was playing a Jimmy Buffett album.  (Kids, those were vinyl frisbee like disks that you put on a spinning wheel and then placed a needle in an arm on it and wonderful music came forth.  Or something like that.)

    Anyway, the song "Down to the Banana Republics" came on and I said, "Oh a Steve Goodman song.  I like his music."

    The host gave a snort and looked at me like I was Billy Bonehead.

    "No, that is Jimmy Buffett," come the haughty reply.

    I countered, "Well that Jimmy guy may be singing it, but Steve Goodman wrote it."

    The host said I was wrong.  He knew his music and he knew Jimmy wrote that song.  The quasi-argument went on until the end of. the song when he actually stopped the record and read the credits.

    "Huh.  Steve Goodman wrote that.  You were right," and he put the needle back down and wandered to bother some other people.

    I might not have known Jimmy Buffett, but I knew about Steve Goodman.

    And, it turns out, so did Jimmy.   In their early days they performed together in various Chicago clubs, singing their folky-rock-country-social commentary music to a growing number of fans.

    Goodman was only in his 30s when he died from leukemia.  I had never seen him play in person, but I heard plenty of his music.

    Tonight the fates came together.  As I was driving, listening to the concert, Jimmy came back from intermission and sang, "Go Cubs, Go."  Another Steve Goodman song that thousands or Ciubs fans sing after every win.

    And I thought....how cow, how great is this.  Jimmy Buffett doing the  Steve Goodman "Go Cubs Go" song at beautiful Wrigley Field. 

     Then it got better.

    Jimmy  did " Down to the Banana Republics", and talked about Steve Goodman and how they were friends.    

    The only thing that could have made my night complete is if George, Paul, John and Ringo joined Jimmy on stage.

    Then the stars would truly be aligned.

Peace and Love

Saturday, October 21, 2023


 Life is a funny, funny adventure

    Sometimes funny in a good way, sometimes a bad way ,and then an "Eh" way.

    I have an EH way today.

    All week I have been telling Jackie and Julia, "I am going to the play ."

    I don't know why I did not go last night, but it. might be the same reason I did not go tonight.


    Not of the play, my gosh no.

    But Julia tested positive for Covid, again, yesterday.  Or was it today? 

    I worked out in the garden for an hour today, then did some laundry, got home about 5 and then just felt like crap.  I hurt all over.  I can barely keep my eyes open.  If I bend my legs, they hurt.  If I straighten them, they hurt.  I can't win.

    Slight cough, but nothing major.

    But I still planned to go....until it came time to actually go out into the garage.  I was just too tired to do it.

    So, here I am.  At home, missing the show. 

    Then again, if I do have Covid, the last thing I should be doing is going out to a public gathering.  Yes, I would have worn a mask, but still.

    So...the fear I have is getting other people sick and getting sick myself.

    So, here I am at home.

    This was also camping weekend with the guys.  I opted not to go, but next year I will.  I really enjoy doing that and life is getting short.

    I like sitting around the fire, sipping wine, talking, and watching the flames.  

    Of course, with the wind as strong as it is tonight, maybe they will just sit around a battery powered lamp and talk about the good old days.

    Either way, next year I an in.

Peace and Love

Friday, October 20, 2023

not me!!

 I have had better days

    Nothing major, just little things.

    Like finding out the crossing on 38 at the Burlington tracks was closed.  I knew that.  I just did not know it was still closed.  I. thought it was only closed for a day or two.

    I had to take a small detour.

    I went to Pickin Station and found that I sold 3 things this month.   3.  Three.  1 less than 4.  But there are sill 2 weeks left.

    Mailed some stuff, then went to Wally World.

That's when my troubles began.

    This morning I made oatmeal and found the Pyrex bowl we use for that had a crack in it.  It was not broken, there was no loose glass, but I figured it was a matter of time.  Sri I tossed it out.  Yes!  I tossed it out!!

    I prowled the aisles, but did not find the bowls we wanted.  Funny, if you add an e to bowls, it creates an entirely different word with a very different meaning. And spell check will not catch it.

    I went into one aisle and a man was already there, and the aisle stank like the dickens.  H had terrible gas!

     Problem is, he left and a lady entered. looked at me, and left the aisle immediately.  I know she thought I was the culprit, but it was not me.  This time.

    I did see a friend, called her the right name, and we chatted.

    I saw Santa Claus.

    I did buy some laundry deetergtent but I had to go to the pharmacy and ask someone to read the small print to be sure I can use it in non HE nachines, since that is what is at the laundromat.   Long story.

    Went to a human staffed check out with my groceries and a giant package of toilet paper.  I said to the girl, "Put as much in the bag as you can."

    Now, this bag is maybe 12 inches by 18 inches.  The toilet paper takes up most of the cart.

    She looks at me and asks, "Do you want the toilet paper in the bag too?"  Seriously!!!  What the Hell.

    I paid, went int to the lot and proceeded to walk down the lane where I thought my car was parked.  Nope, not here.

    I always try to park by a tree or light, but this time I did not.

    I went by a car with a lady sitting in it and the second time I went past, I swear she started laughing.  Probably texted her friends about the old man lost in t he parking lot.

    Things to note:   Covid test #2 was negative.  I feel ok.  So does Jackie .  Got up before 10.  Did not nap.   Did not have an afternoon coffee.  

    But I may go to bed by 10.  Hopefully.

Peace and Love

Thursday, October 19, 2023

so far, so good

 Our health seems to be ok

    Jackie and I feel good, despite living with Covid.  Julia is feeling better, but we are trying to be distant from her.

    I did have an error in last night's blog.  Julia did get to visit her uncle before she got sick.  She saw Carl in the hospital prior to getting Covid, and maybe that is where she caught it.  Who knows.I am glad she had the chance to say good bye.

    I talked to Ruth, my sister in law, she seemed ok but I know the loss is still settling in.  Please keep her in your prayers.

    I didn't go out of the house today except to get the mail.  Jackie did not attend her board meeting, because we just want to be certain that we are ok before going out with people.  We will both test again tomorrow, but I suspect we will be negative.

    We also cancelled our cleaning lady for today, which means I have to clean.  I cleaned our bedroom and bathroom today and will do the nook and great room tomorrow, maybe.  Julia will handle her bathroom and bedroom.

    I don't mind cleaning.  What I do mind is having to do it all at one time.  I would be fine cleaning one room a day.  Problem is, when I finished I would be ready to start over again.  I just get bored doing it.

    I did make a list of all the things I would like to get done before winter....it seems pretty long.  If I do one a day from now until Jan 31 I will finish, I think.

    I just need to get on the stick with the little things....repotting a plant, cleaning up the garden.... stuff that does not take a long time.

    Speaking of the garden, we had some of the last tomatoes on our salad tonight.  I will miss those.

Peace and Love

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

is it? or not?

 Well, our luck ran out

    Julia tested positive for Covid today.

    She has not been feeling well for the past week or two, and decided last night  to take a Covid test.  Bingo!!

    She tested again tonight.  Bingo!!

    Jackie and I tested but we were both negative.  We will repeat tests Friday morning.

    Julia never got to see my brother in the hospital because she has been sick and did not want to spread whatever she had, not knowing it was Covid.

    I want to give a heartfelt thanks to all your comments on yesterday's blog.  It has not been easy, but watching him in that condition was hard on everyone.  Thank you for keeping him and the family in your thoughts and prayers.

    Because we may have been exposed to Covid, we pretty much stayed in the house.  I say pretty much, because I ran out of socks and towels, so I had to do 2 loads of laundry.

    I could have taken them to Emily's, but then I would have to wait around for both loads.   The laundromat seemed quicker.

    Unlike Switzerland, where a load of laundry and drying cost us about $20, if not more, I did 2 loads for about $14, including buying soap.  

    There were only 2 other people in the place, and they left shortly after I got there.

    But I still sat out in the car reading.  I can't understand why my Kindle does not always work.  The book is downloaded, right?  Luckily I brought a hard cover too.  Network, scmetwork.

    We had leftovers tonight.

    It was bizarre.

    Jackie spilled her drink.  As I was cleaning it up I upended her plate of pizza and it hit the floor.  I spent a lot of time on my hands and knees and an even longer time trying to get up.

    Now I am relaxing with a toddy........decaf tea, honey, and a couple of shots of cheap whiskey.  I am already getting sleepy.

Peace and Love

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

thank you

 I just want to thank everyone for their prayers

    My brother Carl passed away this evening.

    While his death was not unexpected, it still hurts.

    He was 8 years older than me.  For you non math majors, that means when he was 18 I was 10.  Not a lot of 18 year olds want to hang around a 10 year old.

    He went to college, first at the U of I at Navy Pier then he went down to Champaign-Urbana, where he and our cousin Bob rented a mobile home.

    So I really didn't spend a lot of time with him as I was growing up.

    When I went to school, he helped move me from home to DeKalb.  He and Ruth provided me with many weekend dinners at their house in Rockford.

    We got our first dog, Snooty, from a litter their dog had.  

    As we got older, we did become closer.  He would do our taxes, we would visit, there would be occasional family gatherings but it wasn't until he and Ruth got a home in Florida for the winter that we became closer.

    Carl would listen to the weather for Rockford in mid January and then call me, usually before 8 a.m., to tell me it was -6 in Rochelle but it was 85 in Florida.  Then he would give his Carl laugh, followed by "Geezus!  -6!!"

    He hated the cold weather, for sure.

    They sold the Florida place and I don't think he was happy about  spending a winter in Illinois.  

    He was the family historian.  It was from him I found out my Aunt Kay was the first, or one of the first, female traders on the Board of Trade in Chicago.  He also told me I was actually the fourth child, that my mother had lost a baby at some point.

    I have a box of phots in the basement I was going to have him look at with me to identify the people , places, and occasions.

    I will miss him, his weird jokes and sense of humor's the calls about the weather.....and the times we should have spent together but didn't.

    Please pray for Ruth, Jason, Laurie and their families. 

    Peace be with you, my brother.

Peace and Love

Monday, October 16, 2023


 I finally mowed the lawn today

    I was partially frozen when I finished.

    I had on 2 jackets, gloves, mittens, winter boots, a snow suit, and 6 hats and I was still cold.

    Actually, I did not have that much on.

    But I was layered and cold.

    This is how my mind works.

    I had a Workmate device to wear when I mow.  This is an ear protector with a radio built in.  All you have to do is hit a couple of buttons.

    This is new this year.

    The kids gave me one a few years ago, but but battery case door broke and I can't keep the batteries in.

    So, I ordered a new one.

    I have no idea why.  I don't like it.  I can't get the Bluetooth to work, so I don't know when the phone is ringing.  And I can't play music on my phone when I mow.  I had the same problem with the old one, but I figured it was a new one and would work better.

    Because I can't play music, I have to listen to the radio.

    When the Cubs are playing it's not bad.  But it is October, and they are not playing.  Again.

    I don't like country, rap, pop current pop music, whatever it is called.  Give me oldies and solid rock.

    The problem is I can find 2 stations that play that type of music.

    But one of the stations doesn't get picked up when I am mowing to the south.  It only picks up mowing to the north.  And the other one only picks up when I am mowing toward the west, not when I am mowing toward the west.

    Freeking weird.

    I ended up listening to the local station, which plays country and rock, although I don't listen long enough to figure out when they do either.

    When I had kids I was always telling them to pick up stuff in the yard before I mowed.

    I forgot to tell Beth that.

    That's what her little stuffed whatever it was looks like after being hit by a mower.

    I thought I hit a really bunny!  White stuff was flying all over the place.  But it turned out to be a stuffed animal.  I bet Beth does not even miss it.

    I did not visit my brother today, but plan on going tomorrow. There has been no major change in his condition.  The family is meeting with a hospice coordinator tomorrow.

Peace and Love

Sunday, October 15, 2023

not me!

 I laugh when I see other people be me

    You know what I mean.

    You do something stupid and get mad at yourself, then you see someone else do the same thing and laugh at them.

    I have a problem with names.  Everyone knows that.  I call people random names, variations of their names, and just plain wrong names.....like Kelsey for Haley and Haley for Kelsey.

    Jackie keeps telling me to just not use a name.

    That does not always help.

    One time, a long, long time ago, I saw the mother of one of the boys in my class in line at the grocery store.  I had given the boy a note to give to his mother about his school work.

    I went up to the lady and said, "Look in your son's book bag for a note from me."

    I went back to Jackie and she asked who that was.  I told her it was Timmy's mom.

    "No she isn't," Jackie said.  

    So this lady in the store probably wondered why a total stranger was putting a note in her son's book bag.

    Well, last night I was in a grocery store.  It was one where there were actual people working the check out lanes.  I was second in line, a man was ahead of me with a small order of 6 or 7 items, and a man was behind me.

    The first man was getting his money out when the man behind me said in a loud voice, "Now I see why this line is going so slow.  C'mon, hurry up!" and he laughed and tapped the man on his shoulder.

    There was an audible gasp from the man behind me as he realized this guy was a total stranger!   He said, "Oh...I'm so sorry!" and I immediately felt his pain and started to laugh.

    Laughter.  It is a tension breaker.

    We were in my brother's room at the hospital today.  He was actually awake and talking.  Mostly the word "no", but he was communicating.  

    When the nurse came in with some oral pain reliever he said "no".  "no"   "no" and then in the clearest voice came the phrase that sounds a lot like "brother trucker", but isn't.  

    We all were stunned, then we started to laugh and he said it again.  And again.  And again. 

    He finally stopped and drifted back to sleep.

    It is so hard watching this guy struggle for air, to say a simple word,  He's my brother, and I can't do a thing to help him.  That hurts.

    He moves to hospice on Tuesday.

    Thank you all for your prayers for him and his family.

Peace and Love

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Sad anniversary

 Today's date has long slipped my mind

    Some things you remember because you read about them, like Pearl Harbor or D Day, or you witnessed them, like JFK's assassination  and Armstrong's walk on the moon.

    Some dates you file and sometimes forget, like Oct. 8, 1871, the date of the Great Peshtigo Fire.  There was another fire the same day, one we all hear off every October.  That was the Great Chicago Fire.  But Peshtigo's fire killed more people than the Chicago one, and burned thousands of acres, destroying dozens of towns.  

    Today marks the 20th anniversary of the Cubs collapse in the National Leave championship series.  

    They lead the series 2-1 and were ahead in the eighth, needing only 5 outs tom make the World Series for the first time since 1945.

    But a foul ball was not caught because a fan tried to catch it.  Instead of an out, it was a foul.  The next ball was a ground ball too short, which should have been easily turned into a double play.  Instead, the shortstop drops the ball and the Cubs allow a 3-0 win to turn into an 8-3 loss. The series finale also went south, with the Cubs losing again.  

    Cubs fans would have to wait until 2016 to celebrate a championship.  I just hope they can do it again in my life time.

    Speaking of life times, we have been talking about getting a new clothes dryer because ours does not work properly.  Well, I can honestly say that is not the problem anymore.  Now it does not work at all.

    Any recommendations?  We are leaning toward Samsung, again.  But GE could be a contender.

    I visited my brother today.  There is no change in his condition.  He is still in a sleep state, although he does shake his head no from t time to time if you ask him questions.  the night nurse was in his room and commented that it was really raining, and he shocked her by saying, "Good, we needed it."

    And this morning he seemed to be able to converse slightly, but when I got there he could not.

    He is scheduled to be moved to a hospice facility on Monday.

    My nephew went back home to PA today and I drove him to the airport instead of him having  to take the bus.  

    Strange, but my brother has brought me back to my niece and nephew in ways I could not imagine.  We have shared some stories, thoughts, and love over the past few days.  

    Too bad it was under these circumstances.

Peace and Love

Friday, October 13, 2023

slow day

 Rainy days and Mondays always get me down

    This was just kind of a blah day.

    Jackie was not having a great day, so I pretty much stuck around the house.  Somedays are good, somedays are bad, some days are just a question mark.  So be it.

    I did not go to Rockford to visit my brother.  I should have, but I didn't.  I will go tomorrow.

    And we did not work with Beth like we were supposed to.

    To be honest, I was just mentally and physically tired.  A nap did not even help.

    I don't have a lot of memories about growing up.  Carl was the memory person.  He could tell me about family stuff I never knew.

    Like, I was actually the fourth child.  My mom lost her first, but I don't know anything more than that.  And Carl was the one who told me, long after my mom died.  I guess I did not know that until I was in my 60s.  That's strange, isn't it?

    I do know we were not huggers.  And thinking about it, I am not much of a hugger even today, but I am getting better.

    So many things left unsaid in our lives.  And too little time to correct that.

Peace and Love


Thursday, October 12, 2023


My new recliner was delivered today 

    It replaces the one I had for who knows how many years.  I know we had it on Skare Court, and I think we had it a few years over there.  I sort of remember recovering from a surgery in that chair, but I don't remember which  surgery.  

    I bet it was 20 years old.

    A part broke on it years ago and I called the company that sold it.  It had a lifetime guarantee, which the company said they would honor.  Then they dropped the nugget that I would have to pay for the actual repairs, because the guarantee only covered parts.  The service call would be $150 an hour.  So, I never got it fixed.

    If I lean too far forward it tries to throw me to the floor. Plus, it just isn't comfy anymore.

    My new chair is bigger, softer, has a  power control, and even rocks, although I am not a big fan of the rocker part.

    Not only was it delivered and set up, but the old chair was hauled away.  Which is great, because I would have ended up putting it someplace in the house, even though it was not working properly.  That is how I am.

    I spent the afternoon in Rockford with my  brother and his family.  He is entering the hospice phase of hospital care.  The aim is to keep him comfortable.  

    It breaks my heart to see hm the way he is.  

   The end of life is always hard.

Peace and Love

Wednesday, October 11, 2023


 We seem to have a lot more time on our hands

    The Cubs are done, so we don't spend so much time watching TV.

    Which is good, because I have been out of the house a lot lately.

    Today Jackie had an appointment in DeKalb.  She has these every 6 weeks or so. I see the same doctor she does.  Today  I apologized to one of the staff members there.

    The other day the phone rang and I answered it, despite it being a number I did not recognize.

    I picked it up,  said hello, and a man  asked, "Is this Terry?'  I sreplied in a snarly voice, "Who is asking?"

    Turned out to be a scheduler for the doctor.  I have an appointment coming up and it had to be changed, so he was calling to set a new date and time.

    I told him today that  I was sorry I acted rudely, but I did not recognize the number and thought it was a solicitor.  He said he gets that a lot, and we laughed about it.

    Why did I pick up?  Because I have been in contact with lots of relatives who live in different area codes and I wanted to be sure I was not missing an important call.

    After the doctor's visit, we came back to Rochelle and spent about 20 minutes driving around town looking at the hay bales.

    If you are not from Rochelle, a brief explanation.  Each October businesses, schools, organizations, or groups are given the opportunity to get a round hay bale and decorate it.  The bales are about 5 feet in diameter.

    This year bales  ran from the basic spray paint it orange and stick a  stump on it to create a pumpkin, to a three bale ( one round and two rectangular)  production showing a church before  it lost its steeple.  What surprises Jackie and me is that we don't even remember the church having a steeple!  Oh well.

    The latest on my brother is that he is most likely heading into hospice care.  Please keep him and his family in your thoughts and prayers.

Peace and Love

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Van Winkled

 Today was just one of those days

    Julia, Emily, and Selin were going on an excursion. 

    I thought they said they  were leaving around 10.

    I heard them leave, just about the time the cuckoo cuckooed.  

    When it hit 11, I knew we had slept too late.

    11 a.m.!!!!  We stayed in bed until 11.  Asleep.!!!  Both of us!!!

    I am not around of that, in fact, I wish I was getting up a lot earlier.

    I got to thinking about things today.  

    Selin ran the Chicago Marathon, finishishing in a little over 3 hours, 17 minutes.  I read my bike about 8 miles an hour.  Which means, she ran the marathon at more than the speed that I ride my bike.  That is freaking amazing.

    We had brats and cohops tonight and Selin made a chocolate tart, which was oh so gooood.

    I watched as she made it, and realized I could do this.  I would have to work a little more carefully than I normally do, and pay attention to directions, but I could make one.  

    When she was making it, she got a dish dirty and she washed it right away!!!!   When she was done there was one bowl that was in need of washing.  

    When I make anything, I let the dishes stack up until there is not room left on the counter.  Her way is much more efficient.

    Like I said, we had chops and brats tonight.  Dan and Linda joined us, and it was a very pleasant night.

    I went to Headon's to buy the chops and brats and some salads.  I got in the van, turned around, drove almost to 38 and just felt a draft.  I checked the windows, and they were all up.  It was confusing.

    Then I noticed a red light on the dashboard, indicating my sliding door was open.  I drove from the butcher shop to 38 with my door open!  That's over 1/4 of a mile!  How could I do that???

    I can't blame it on being tired, because I had only been up 4 hours at that point.

    Anyway, it was a good day.

    My brother's condition has not changed much.  Your continued prayers are appreciated.

Peace and Love

Peace and Love

Monday, October 9, 2023


 I am a candy freak

    I love the sweet stuff, especially chocolate in any form. 

    Sometimes I admit I have no control over myself.

    For example:  I found a bag of malted milk Easter eggs Julia had in the pantry.

    Now, I figured Easter was a few months ago and she had simply forgotten these, or lost interest.  So while she was away for 3 days I opened the bag and started munching away.

    Now, I did not eat all of them....Jackie had 2 or 3.   But there are very few left.

    Julia came home today and saw the remainders and said, "What the hell....I was saving those!"

    Seems she has cravings where she likes certain candies and malted milk Easter eggs are one of the candies she was saving  until she had a craving for them.

    Oops.  Her cravingsbetter be pretty small.

    Grace came for dog training today.  I always put some dog treats in my sweatshirt pocked to reward Beth.  We had a pretty good session today.

    When Celine and Julia got back from Chicago, we decided to order Mexican for supper. We placed the order, and I went to get it.  I stuck a last few malted eggs in my pocket for the road.

    I got to the corner, popped a couple in, and found they really tasted pretty yucky.  I reached my hand in my pocked again and pulled out the remaining......dog treats.


    Not a great combination.  

    But, I guess that is Karma coming at me.

    My brother is still in ICU, still dealing with some issues.  I did not visit today but hopefully will get up there Wednesday.

    Thank you all for your prayers.

Peace and love

Sunday, October 8, 2023


 My sleeping habits stink

    I went to bed about 12 las night, despite my pledge to go to bed by 11.  I just cant seem to hit that time.

    Like tonight.  It's 9:30 and I have a couple of things to do, including getting Jackie into bed and doing a load of laundry.

    I do like to read for 15-20 minutes before hitting the sheets, but I don't always have enough time to do that.

    Last night I could not get comfy temperature wise.  I was hot, cold, my feet were hot, my back was cold.  It was a struggle.  

    Looking back at my Facebook memories, I frequently complain about not being able to sleep.  

    The impact is.... we got up at 10 this morning.  Bt the time Jackie got up, showered, and dressed, tt was about 12:30.  That is not good.

    Beth did not even stir! But she did run like mad when I opened her kennel door.  Poor girl.  Her eating habits are all screwed up with the time issues and Julia not being here to make her food the right way.

    I went to Rockford today and spent some time with my brother.  he seems to be doing better, but is still sedated and just appears to be sleeping soundly.

    I spent time with his wife, and my nephew an niece, talking about the situation and life in general.

    Sadly, today was their anniverary, something close to 60 years.  What a terrible way to spend it.

    I was doing home and looked at my speedometer and saw I was going 60 in a 45!   So I immediacy slowed down to 50.  Cars were passing me like crazy.  t don't know at what point I noticed I had somehow changed the speedometer to show kilometers per hour, not miles.  I was doing 30.  No wonder I was passed so often.

    I have not been able to send or receive texts in the dar.  Today I could not order a coffee from my phone.  I texted Emily in Starbucks and she said that was weird, and asked if my data was turned off.

    I looked.  It was.

    Turned it back on and everything works like it should.

    I have no idea how I did that either.

Peace and Love

Saturday, October 7, 2023

killer bagels

I ate a bagel today

    I know.....big deal.  People eat bagels all the time.

    This was one Julia bought.  She had 4 in bags in the freezer, and I ate one today.

    I will never eat another one.

    I don't know if it was a garlic bagel, or an onion one.  But I do know it did not agree with me at all. 

    I was queasy all afternoon.  Not sick, but not feeling right in the big ol tummy area.

    I still managed to get 3 loads of laundry done, although I just finished folding them.  Towels, sheets, and my stuff.  

    We had meatloaf for supper.  Usually we order out on Saturday night, but Julia is gone and she hates meatloaf.  I figured it was a good time for us to have it.  I even pulled 2 carrots out of the garden and cut them up for our vegetable.  Yes, 2 carrots because they were pretty big.  

    Dog Beth is moping around the house, missing Julia.  She does not want to eat her food, because Julia did not make it.  So I have resorted to adding bits of things.. cheese, dog treats, itty bitty bits of meatloaf from the pan....and then she eats.  She has trained us well.

    I did not get up to visit my brother because of my stomach.  My understanding is he has not worsened any and has not had any more seizures or strokes. He is semi awake, knows people are there, but is still on a ventilator.  I plan to go up tomorrow, stomach willing.

    And thanks to all who have helped out with a prayer or two.  It means a lot.

    So much for my life!

    But boy!  Last weekend was 30 degrees warmer!  Talk about a sudden change.

    Julia is in Chicago with  Selin,  a friend from Switzerland.  Selin  is running the Chicago Marathon.  After the race they are going to crash downtown and them come out here Monday for a short visit.  Then it's back to Switzerland on Wednesday.

    Jackie and I are looking forward to the visit.  

    Have a great Sunday!

Peace and Love

Friday, October 6, 2023

not much

 I don't have much to say tonight

    I know, I don't have much to say most nights, but I still say it!

    Today was just a so so day.  We had a home health assessment appointment through our insurance providers and that was the highlight of the day.

    The person asks a lot of questions, gathers some data, and does reports that get sent to our PCP.  That is Primary Care Physician, not he mind altering drug.  But you knew that.

    She took my blood pressure and it was a bit high.  That might have been because I had to reorder some pills.  I used the Walmart automated phone program, which to me is a disaster.

    Last night I tried and the voice said to enter my prescription number.  I did.  Nothing happened.  Then it said enter your prescription number.  So I did.  It then told me the number was invalid and I would have to talk. to a pharmacist, but the pharmacy was closed.

    This morning I called and it said to give my date of birth.  I said May 11 1948.  I was ver clear about that.  The voice confirmed saying, "You said November 19, 2008.  Is that correct?"

    When I said no, it connected me to the pharmacy, where I talked to a real person (not my daughter) and ordered a refill.

    That was still on my mind as my BP was taken.

    And, my brother was on my mind.  He is in ICU at St. Anthony, having suffered a stroke and some seizures.  I went to visit him after the assessment, but he is heavily sedated and on a ventilator.  I talked to him, made a few jokes, knowing he can hear me.  

    I did not stay long, but I will go back tomorrow for a bit.

    Prayers for him and his family are appreciated.

Peace and Love

Thursday, October 5, 2023


 No, this is not about football or baseball

    I have solved my tow behind spreader problem.

    I bought new clamps and thing a ma bobs for the old spreader, which is Emily's but it does not turn.  It is frozen. I have taken it apart and spent hours trying to free up the parts.

    The  same type of spreader spreader costs about  $249.  I hate to buy a new one for the one or two times a year I will use it, but I can't repair it.

    I decided today to bite the bullet and buy a new one.

    I stopped at 2 places, but they did not have any in stock.

    I stopped at a third place and they had 3 or 4 different models, but no price on them.

    I went in, explained what I wanted, and they looked up the price.

    The one I chose was the $249 one I had seen on line.

    The nice lady typed in the code and she looks at me and said, "That spreader is $49.95"

    I said, "Excuse me....I don't think I heard you right.  How much?"

    "$49.95 if it is the same one you are looking at."

    So a guy came out, checked the numbers, called the check out counter and......yup.  $49.95.  For a $249 spreader.

    The guy said they are trying to get rid of summer stock and instead of storing it, they want it gone.  So drastic markdowns are being given.

    If you are in need of a spreader, dethatcher, aerator, lawn cart....stop at Stock and Field on 251 and ask about heir price.  You may get a great  bargain.

    On a down note, my brother is in the hospital.  I am concerned. 

Peace and Love

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

me! me! Pick me!!

 I would like to be Speaker of the House

    I know, what experience do I have?

    None.  Zilch.  Zero

    But I can't be any worse than what is happening now.

    I promise I will listen to both sides before ruling the way I want.  I will be nice to people I like, regardless of party, and piss on the rest.

    I would not sell my influence to any foreign power.  I may rent it to some, but I would never sell it.

    When I do screw up, which I will, I will blame the media, the left wing part and Fox News.

    I would model my behavior after Sen. Melendez.  This poor man is being made an. example of, just because he likes to have some cash on hand in case of emergencies.  Granted, I usually have a little less than $480,000 stuffed in envelopes and put in coat pockets in the closet, but I do put $40 aside for emergencies. 

    And the gold bars they found in his closet? We all should be hoarding gold for when the economy melts down and gold is the only valuable commodity.  In fact, I have some gold too.  I store it in the back of my mouth on the right side.  That way no one can steal it.

    Every day I am more astounded than the previous day that in a country of over 350,000,000, people  this is the best we can do.  Really?

    Where are all the people with ideas and honor and a willingness to work to improve the country?

    I can tell you where they aren't

    But that all could change with me being Speaker. Hell, I might even appoint  Marjorie off her nut Greene to a high ranking post on the biggest slow in congress committee.

    Gah......what a world.

Peace and Love

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Holy busy days

Why are we so busy? 

    Holy cow, our calendar has a lot of stuff written on it for October.

    True, some of is is small stuff, like me getting a haircut tomorrow.  But it is still on the calendar.  Even Beth has a date!  She is going to get groomed in a couple of weeks.

    Right now Mondays and Fridays are open, but I know I have to take the car in for service,  that will screw up one of those days.

    I do have a couple of outside projects to do.  Jackie said I should do one today, but it was too hot to be mucking around in the yard.  Maybe tomorrow, if it does not rain.  And after I get my hair cut.

    I used to always say I was getting my hairs cut, but that isn't funny after 75 years.  Well, maybe 65 because I probably didn't say it b before I was 10.

    What's sad now is my nose hairs, ear hairs, and my eyebrows grow so much faster than my head hairs!  And I still have the problem of hairs on my knee, which is still sore.

    I borrowed my neighbor's tow behind spreader to do grass seed, but I don't want to make a habit of that.

    So I borrowed Emily's so I can spread fertilizer..  

    I don't know when it was last used, but it is frozen.  The wheel does not turn, nor does the speeding plate.

    So, I took it apart to try to free it up.

    Big mistake.  

    I am not a handy person.  My hands are best used for calling a repair person, not doing the actual repair.

    I have bits and pieces of the thing on the golf cart, but no matter what I do, I can't get the parts freed up.  I bought a product that blasts rust, but so far that has not helped.

    My only hope is that some store has an end of season clearance and wants to get rid of a tow behind spreader at a reasonable cost.

    Gonna work on it again tomorrow, but I don't have a lot of hope.

    Kind of like being a Bears fan this year.

Peace and Love

Monday, October 2, 2023

fall already?

 Fall is my favorite time of year

    The first frost kills the bugs, the leaves turn beautiful colors, and there is a crispness in  the air you don't feel in summer or spring.  I won't mention winter.  

    I have a few things on my to do list, such as cleaning out the garden and finally getting the bird bath in correctly.  The bird bath will require some work, so I am putting that off as long as possible.

    But here are drawbacks to fall.

    The Cubs usually stop playing.  I love watching them and wish I could go to more games.

    The garden stops growing, so no more fresh tomatoes or beans.  I still have carrots to dig, but that is not a big thing. 

    The flowers lose their color, which is too bad.  Looking at a bunch of brown plants is not very exciting.

    But most of all, fall means another year almost gone. 

    It's a short trip from birth to autumn, isn't it?

    I went to the store tonight.  Took may own reusable bags and put them on the counter where a real person was working and they asked me if I wanted my groceries in my bags.

    I was going to tell her no, that I would just pile them in my arms. but she was young and I bit my tongue. 

    I  had a fantasy that I spent a week in Chicago, seeing all the things the city has to offer.  But, that is unlikely to happen.  Driving down Lake Shore Drive Sunday I was amazed at all the people out enjoying the day.  It really is a great city.

    Three more pictures from Sunday.

    I did not realize the Cubs statues have been moved.  Hell, I didn't even know the Starbucks was gone.

Not sure I like the new location, if it is indeed the new location.

Peace and Love

Sunday, October 1, 2023

no ghosts

 I visited a cemetery today

    Not just any cemetery, but one that is on a historic list.  Funny thing, it was 2 blocks from where I grew up and I never really paid much attention to it.

    Sure, my mother's parents are buried there. And an aunt and uncle are buried there.  But once I moved out and Mom moved away, we had not visited. My memory sometimes plays games with me, but I know my parents would take me to Graceland to visit the relatives and have a picnic.  I remember sitting by a lake and eating, although it is a bit fuzzy.  When I saw the lake and surroundings, something stirred deep inside my little brain.

    Anyway, I am posting some pictures.  

    I met my niece Cindy there and as part of our day we tried finding my grandparents and aunt and uncle's graves.  We were half successful, or 2 thirds, depending on how you look at it.

    Afterward I decided to go to the Starbucks by Wrigley Field, since that is just couple of blocks away.

    I found parking space one block away and walked to the Starbucks.  I took some pictures of Cubs greats along the way, and stepped in to order a coffee.

    I was a little surprised at the remodeling that had been done. Then I realized it was not a Starbucks!  Holy cow!!

    I headed back to the car and some guys were in front of Wrigley taking pictures.  They asked If I would take a picture of the 3 of them with the marquee behind them.  I did. I showed them the picture and they liked it.

    Funny thing....they were wearing Cleveland Browns shirts!  They were visiting Chicago, not sure for how long, and wanted to see Wrigley.  We talked about the Browns, Bears, Guardians and Cubs for a minute or two before we went on our ways.

    I have to say, for someone who has a hard time talking to people, I carried on a pretty good conversation!

    I got back in my car and drove maybe 100 feet and there was a Starbucks!  But it was a pick up only store.  So I stood inside, placed my order on my phone, waited a minute, and picked it up.  I also told him I went into the Starbucks near Gallagher Way and was surprised to see it wasn't a Starbucks.  He said it hadn't been for almost 3 years.  I guess it has been a while.

    I also talked to a guy in the cemetery who was taking pictures of my boyhood nightmare.  He was from Ohio also.  He said he paid his respects at this grave site by circling it three times and touching the earth. He was excited to be visiting the cemetery.

    And despite living in the country and never having seen a coyote, I saw one today.  Graceland has a relatively well established pack.  Go figure.

Peace and Love

And pictures.

The Field plot...as in Marshall and his family.  If the sculpture seems somewhat familiar, the same artist did the statue for the Lincoln Memorial.  

Let's play 2 today!  Fans leave momentos on Ernie's grave all the time.

This is the Potter Palmer memorial....The Palmer House and other enterprises.  Mrs. Palmer wanted to sell small cakes to people attending the 1893 World's Comedian Exposition.  But she wanted the cakes to be hand held, so she made small ones.......or brownies, as we call them.
Her parents are in the  crypt across the road; but has  a French Abbey influence

Goodman's memorial is topped by what appears to be a stage.  He founded the Goodman Theater

Many of the burial vaults have an Egyptian flavor, either featuring pyramid shapes or ancient symbols.  Snakes were frequently the guards of the doors.

The girl in the glass case is a beautiful carving, but the weather was starting to deteriorate, so the girl was put inside glass.  Our  guide said the child was struck by lightning, and if you are in the cemetery during a lightning storm at night you may see her ghost rise up. The tokens are there to tell her she is remembered.

Even the dead have neighborhoods.

This sculpture scared the bejeebees our of me when I was a kid.  I hated going past it.  Legend is if you look it in the eyes you will die.  But we all die eventually, right?.  It is copper, and the lovely patina adds to the fright Eternal Silence can cause.  By the way, this is 1 of 2 Lorado Taft sculptures in the cemetery. The shadow makes it look like she is holding a hook.

    • In 1876 Chicagoan William Hulbert decided to clean up professional baseball.  He was tired of the gambling and poor behavior, so he organized a professional baseball league with 8 teams.  He called it the National League.  His name and the original 8 teams are on his memorial.  Chicago is on the other side.

These are my mother's parents and grandparents.  Cindy found them and was surprised to see that honer of her  daughters shares the name Charlotte with a great great grandmother.  Small world, eh?