Monday, July 31, 2023


 I need to check my garden more often

    I have not done that in a week.  It was hot a couple of days last week and  I did not go out then.

    I should have.

    Some of my beans were old.  I did not include them in my picked pile.  If I had checked last week, they may not have gotten large and lumpy.

    My cucumbers....they are gigantic!  I don't see any little ones out there, just a lot of flowers.  We had a cuke  tonight and Jackie said it tasted fine, but I always think the smaller ones are better.

I     pulled the bean plants because I don't hink the will produce any more.  I plan on planting peas in 2 weeks.  They like cooler weather, and maybe the September days will be good for growing them.

    I also mowed, trimmed, and took a one hour nap.  

    But it is late and my arms are itchy for some reason.

    I also checked out my native garden.  Lots of color.

Peace and Love

They are huge....

The Joe Pye weed is getting tall

Sunday, July 30, 2023


 I won big today

    No, unfortunately, it was not the lottery that was almost $1 billion again.

    Julia and Emily went to an art show in St. Charles.  Lots of neat art, but also a farmers' market.

    I  now have strawberries, cherries and peaches from Michigan.

    The cherries are great, the strawberries good, but not as good as earlier ones, and the peaches have a little ripening up to do.

    I love produce that is local.  It seems fresher and tastier.

    They also had raspberries at the market, but Julia did not buy any because she just bought some yesterday in Rockford.

    But when I opened them this morning, they were all mushy and runny.  And the blackberries she bought from the same store were no longer black.  That is annoying as all get out.

    To me, the best thing about summer is the fresh food available.  Not only fruits, but corn, tomatoes, green peppers, beans......all the good stuff.

    I have to pick beans tomorrow.  I also have to freeze strawberries tomorrow.  But that is tomorrow.

    Tonight we had Kimberly over for supper. I was going to grill burgers and brats, but a funny thing happened.

    I ran out of gas for the grill.  No worries, I have another tank.  Dragged that out, hooked it up, and ........ nothing.  The grill lights for about 4 seconds, then dies.

    The last time this happened I needed a new regulator.  That was just after the tornado, so it has been a few years.  I had to order it from Weber, but I am hoping Ace or Benson Stone in Rockford will have regulators on hand.

    At least I hope that is the problem.

    We had a nice time visiting, talking, looking at pictures from our trip, and watching Beth go crazy over a mouse on the patio.  Beth was really worked up about that little critter.

    So, in addition  to doing beans and strawberries tomorrow, I guess I will be setting out some of my live traps to remove the problem.

    Or at least one of the problems.

Peace and Love

Saturday, July 29, 2023

It's not a HA

 I got very scared tonight

    I sat down to do this and my head started pounding.  A thump thump thump that was very disturbing.  I have my hearing aids in, so the sound was clear.

    Heart attack?  Stroke?  Some sort of medical event?

    I stepped outside for some air and could hear it even louder!

    I realized it is music someone is playing.  Playing loudly.  And the beat is the same thump thump does not stop.  It's like Poe's tell tale heart!  

    I just took out my hearing aids and it is better, but I can still hear it!

    I think it is from at least one street over, maybe 2 and I am thinking how do the neighbors put up with it?

    Maybe it's a block party.

    It reenforces my belief that just because you can do something doesn't mean you should.

    Anyway, we survived the storms, which seemed to go north and south of us, again.  We did have about 1 inch in the rain gauge. 

    And for some reason, I keep misspelling gauge.  I want to type guage, but that isn't right.  Now I'll be confused.

    We went to Rockford for lunch today.

    My relatives Mike, Megan, Michael and Ben are here from Switzerland and we wanted to get together for a little while.  So we met at Portillo's and had lunch and a great visit.

    Julia and I saw them about a month ago, but it has been a while for my brother, sister-in law ,and Jackie to visit with them.  Well, at least a year, maybe 2.  Sadly, Emily did not make it because she already had something.

    We talked about the great catch Palatine Mike made to end the Cubs win last night.   That's 2 home run saving catches by Cub outfielders in the past week.

    Maybe that's a sign that this team has a chance.

    All in all it was a pretty good day.

    And the music just got louder.  

Peace an Love

Friday, July 28, 2023

not again

 I hate the weather

    I have never been a big fan of storms.  And after Emily lost her house in one, I brecame even more concerned about nature's fury.

    I grew up in Chicago.  We didn't have storms.

    Sure, we had heavy rains which flooded streets and basements, but things like severe thunderstorms or tornadoes were not really an issue in the city.

    My first experience with severe storms came at NIU.  I was walking back to my dorm when the weather turned bad.  I went into the old field house for protection, then stood by the windows and watched garbage cans blow down the street.

    I did not know that a field house,  with its large roof, is the worst place to shelter, and that standing in front of huge glass windows was not recommended either.

    When Jackie and I were married, we lived in an apartment above an appliance shop in Rochelle.

    It was a Palm Sunday.  The weather was bad.  I was in a panic.  I went into the hall for safety and a window in the vacant apartment across the way was pierced by a section of corrugated roofing that became loose in the high winds.

    It sounded like an explosion.

    I went screaming down the stairs, leaving Jackie at the top looking at me like I was an idiot.  Then I knocked, well, pounded on the door of our next door neighbor yelling, "Tornado!  Tornado!  We're all going to die!"

    Which he was very appreciative of because he had just gotten his now hysterical wife calmed down. history with storms is not good.

    So far the weather radio has toned 5 times since 7.  All the storms are  north of us, but I can see lightning to the west.  

    It will be a long night.

    Stay safe, stay alert.

Peace and Love

Thursday, July 27, 2023

have we tipped?

 Yes, I am an alarmist

    I am not a scientist.  But I don't like what is happening in the world.

    Droughts, fires, incredible heat.  Water off the coast of southern Florida has been reported at 100 degrees!  Ocean water!!  That hot!!

    Holy cripes, what have we done?

    The ocean currents in the Arctic may collapse, further altering weather in Africa, and other places, possibly leading to worse droughts, if that is possible.

    I know, I usually write about cheerful, uplifting silly stuff.....but I do believe we have passed he tipping point.  We have damaged Earth.  We have not been responsible shepherds of this beautiful orb.

    And now we are paying the price.

    All the while big industry, most governments, and a lot of politicians seem to be saying....."Eh.  Big deal.  It's a little warm.  So what?"

    As Pogo used to say, "We have met the enemy and he is us."

    Come back tomorrow for more cheerful chatter.

Peace and Love

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

lookey here!

 Not a lot to say tonight

        Whenever I say that, I end up writing a small book.  Not tonight.

        I am sharing some pictures I have taken lately.

You can see our little doggy out by the bird bath, looking for the ground squirrels.  You can also see the path she has made from the back patio!  She goes to the bird feeders, sniffs, then goes to the bird bath.  Beth follows the same path back.

The smokey skies make for some interesting sun sets.  These were taken in the park across the road from me.  I was riding my bike Sunday and the sun caught my eye.  I like the second picture better.

I have never seen the hook and ladder truck with the ladder extended.  They were doing some work on it today and blocked off Main Street so they could extend the ladder.  I had an opportunity at one time to climb the ladder, but I declined.  That was during my newspaper days.  And it was straight up.

I finally bought some new shorts.  This is the first day I have worn them.  Jackie looked at me and asked where I was bleeding, but it wasn't me.  It was the bag of cherries I bought that had a couple of leaky ones.  Hope the stains come out.

Peace and Love

Tuesday, July 25, 2023


 I love the memories feature on Facebook

    It reminds me of good times, bad times, and that sometimes things don't really change that much.

    For example, in 2012 it was 100 degrees on this date and I was complaining about the heat.

    In 2013  TC and I were ready for Red White and Tuna.  In 2022 we were  ready for Tuna Does Vegas.  That means in 2031 we will be doing Tuna in the Old Folks Home. 

    On this date in 2016 the Cubs got Chapman from the Yankees, which helped break a 100 year plus World Series drought.

    In 2018 Greece was fighting out of control wildfires.  They are also doing that now.

    In 2021 friends Lauren and John were doing the RAGBRAI and dedicated this day's ride to me!

    Also n 2021, friend Sharon posted a picture of a guy who could be my twin!  When I looked at that memory today, I thought I was looking at me.

    Here's a funny thing or two. 

    When the group went from London to Liverpool, we took a train.  But I didn't remember how we got to the train station in London or the train ride.

    And when we flew from Manchester to Geneva, aside from the boarding process, I am drawing a blank on the entire flight.

    I have a charge for $3.14 on my Visa, so I must have bought a water or a pop on board....but I don't remember that either.

    Sounds like a song...."there are places I'll remember, all my life. "

    Except the plane and train.

    I hope I post the right entry tonight!

Peace and Love

Monday, July 24, 2023


 I learned something today 

    It didn't make me happy, either.

    I am reading a book called "Every Goddamn Day," by Neil Steinberg.  He is a columnist for the Sun Times.  He researced every day of the year in Chicago's history and put together the weirdest, strangest, saddest stories for each day of the year.

    My original play was to read each day as it happened.  Well, I just finished May.

    The stories are not long, but hey are insightful.

    For example, on May 28, 1962 Buck O'Neil sat on the Chicago Cubs bench.  He signed Ernie Banks to the Kansas City Monarchs and then brought him to Chicago to meet the Cubs.

    On May 28, 1962 he could sit on the bench because he was a coach.  The first African American coach in baseball.

    Previous to this he travelled with the team but could not sit on the bench in some cities because he was not white.  He had to have permission from the home team, and some teams denied him because of his color.

    As coach, he did not need the other teams permission.

    I would have been 14 when this happened.

    It amazes me this was happening in 1962, especially when Jackie Robinson had already broken the barrier a decade before.

    It also amazes me that this like this still happen today.  

    Many people just can't seem to get past the color of a person's skin.

    Buck signed another player for the Cubs.  He brought Lou Brock to the team.  As you know, Brock was traded to St. Louis for a pitcher who, well, stunk

    Also as you know, Brock and Banks are both in the Baseball Hall of Fame.  And so is Buck O'Neil.

    That's what I learned today.

Peace and Love

Sunday, July 23, 2023


 I sometimes am an idiot

    I said sometimes.  Don't fight me on that.

    The other day I was going into town.  The county was doing some road work on Center Road.  It was 1 lane.  

    The guy waved me around, and I drove on the wrong side of the road as instructed until I was past the construction.  Then I pulled into the correct lane.

    I was going merrily along when I noticed a vehicle ahead of me going very slow.  Very, very, slow.

    Uunfortunately, I was not.

    I don't know at what point I realized the vehicle was stopped.  Maybe, just maybe, the flashing yellow lights should have been a clue.

    There was a young man as a flagger there.  Evidently I was supposed to stay on the wrong side of the road, but I did not realize that.

    I hit the brakes fairly hard, not screeching to a stop, but slowing quickly.

    I rolled my window down and looked at the flagger and said, "Holy cripes!  I was not paying attention!"

    His answer:  "That was really a close one!"

    You said it.  I can see the headlines now:  Senior citizen smashes van into parked truck.  Film at 11.

    I think it was a valuable lesson in always paying attention.

    I rode my bike about 5.6 miles today.  That was really the only thing I acomplished, besides putting water in the golf cart batteries.  I hope that was the reason for the power loss last night.  Tomorrow will be the test.

Peace and Love

Saturday, July 22, 2023

blah blah blah

 That's kind of how my day went

    I did a couple of loads of laundry, went to the store, made blueberry muffins, watched the Cubs and played euchre with friends.

    Playing cards was the best part of the day.  It gave us tie to catch up, visit, talk, relax....all of that.

    I first learned to play euchre at Funks Seeds when I worked there one summer.

    We would play on our breaks and at lunch.

    We could get one game in on our 15 minute break.  We did that because we did not talk, did not plot out strategies or think about the game.  We called trump or passed.  And no throw ins, dealer had to call trump if everybody passed.

    When we play here, it is usually an hour game.  Talking, getting refreshments, mulling over our all takes time.

    The second game we played without all that.  Pass or pick up.  Trump or slough off. Don't take a lot of time to think, just play.

    I like it better that way.  I seem more focused on the game.

    My partner MK and I won both games.  The second game was something like 10-1 or 2.  We played it in less than 20 minutes.

    And we still had time to talk, just not as much.

    All in all it was a pretty good day.  Cubs win, we win, laundry gets done.  Muffins taste good.  And now I can hear thunder, so maybe a little rain will fall our way.

    Can't beat that.

Peace and Love

Friday, July 21, 2023

burp, excuse me

 Well, I made it through the night

    Granted, I did take a few Tums after yesterday's crapfest, but everything stayed down although I did have a burning sensation.

    Today was better.  I ate sensibly.  I did not overstuff myself or eat a bunch of cookies and chocolate.

    Aside from that, I did have one victory.

    I found shorts I like that fit at Target.  And even better, they were half price!  So I have 2 new pair of shorts to show off my amazingly beautiful legs.

    I stopped at Pickin Station to put a few more items out for sale.  Jackie asked me how long we (Linda and I) were going to do this.  I said as long as I can sell enough to pay the rent, I was good with it until at least October.  

    I just don't know if I am selling enough to pay the rent!

    Time will tell.

    I mowed most of the yard today.  Actually, I started at 7 and quit about 8:30 when I could not see the lines very well.

    Then I got out the golf cart and filled the bird feeders.  As I was riding, I thought, "Geez....I have not checked the water level in the batteries yet."

    If the batteries get too low on water, the cart loses power.

    After I filled the feeders, I put the cart in forward and it barely moved.

    I got Julia, brought out the riding mower and a tow rope, and hauled ther cart back to the garage.

    Tomorrow I will buy some distilled water and then maybe ask neighbor Jim if I am filling it the right way.

    We had an electrician out today because my dimmer switch stopped working.  He fixed that, then got his huge ladder to change the bulb on the landing to the basememt.

    I have one of those poles that extends and has a bulb grabber on the end, but it was not the right size.  That will cost me.

    So much for my boring life, eh?

Peace and Love

Thursday, July 20, 2023

little piggy

This was not one of my better days 

    I am tired.  I am cranky.  The Cubs are losing 7-2. And I have no self control.

    We got up early because Jackie had a doctor appointment in Sycamore at 10:30.

    We were up at 7:30 and ready to go by 9:30.  Then the phone rang.

    The doctor was called away for an emergency surgery.  The appointment was rescheduled for Monday.

    So,  I had granola for breakfast along with tea.

    That's when the whole day went south.

    I had a taste for some chocolate, so 2 chunks went into my mouth.

    A peach?  Great idea.  Some cantalope?  Why not!  I was still hungry so I had a small bowl of chips.  Which took me to lunch, which was a left over brat.  

    The hill kept getting steeper.  More chocolate.  More peach.  Tea.  Cookie.  Chips.  Peanuts.  Doritos.

    I could not stop!

    I made cheesesteaks for supper:  hoagie bun, grilled roast beef, mozzarella cheese, pizza sauce, baked in an oven for a few minutes.

    It was good.  I finished mine, but Jackie could not.  So I finished hers!

    I took her to her library board meeting and I worked on the next great novel.  After the meeting, I stopped for ice cream!!

    If I don't puke sometime tonight, I will be shocked.

    It's now after 9 and I am hungry.  But I am not eating anything else.  I swear!!

    This little piggy has had enough.

Peace and Love

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

shopping tripped

I went to the store today 

    Actually, I went to several stores.  

    I wanted some new shorts.  So, I went to Kohl's in DeKalb. 

    I wear a size 38 and I wanted shorts with a 10 inch inseam.  I know, I didn't know shorts had inseam measurements!  But they do......7 inch, 9.5 and 10, as I read on the labels of 56,920 pairs of shorts. 

    Sadly, none of the ones I wanted came in my size.  No, that's not true.  They did have some for $60, but I was more interested in the $29.99 ones. 

    Jackie wanted me to get a specific toy for Beth, so I popped over to the pet shop by Kohl's.   But they did not have a toy that resembled the one I wanted.

    0 for 2.

    I went to Lowe's looking for some pavers for my patio, but they did not have the style.

    0 for 3.

    Went to Lehan's for some medical stuff for Jackie.  It was there.  That was really the reason I went to DeKalb ein the first place.

    1 for 4

    We decided on Philly steak sandwiches for supper tomorrow, so I stopped at Schnucks for some roast beef and pizza sauce.

    I could not find the pizza sauce, so I asked a guy stocking the cookie shelves.  He said it was over by the ketchup and he took me over there.  No pizza sauce.  Then he said it was by the pasta.  No pizza sauce.

    Then he said, "I don't really work here.  I work for the cookie company.  But I can usually find  things in a grocery store."

    As he was saying that, a lady asked what I was looking for.  I told her pizza sauce.

    She said it was in the next aisle with the salsa.  She took me over there and ..... no pizza sauce.  Then she said, "I know!" and walked me down to the end of the aisle where there was a big display of pizza crusts and sauce. I don't know how I missed it.

    I got half way home and wondered if I bought enough roast beef.  I got half a pound....for 3 sandwiches.  Now I wonder if that is enough.

    Time will tell.

    I'm calling the day 2 for 5, which in baseball is not bad.

    After supper I went for a bike ride.  That makes it 2 nights in a row!!

    A friend stopped after supper, and we got to meet her fiance and talked for a while. 

    And the day started off pretty good for me and Wordle.  I hit the word on the second try.

    Call that a grand slam, like Hoerner did tonight.

Peace and Love

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

dog gone fun

 We had visitors today

    Friend Luke stopped by with his daughters, J and G.  They were on a road trip from their home in Vermont to visit family in Wisconsin and stopped in to see us on their way home.

    Jackie and I met Luke and Chris a long time ago at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in DeKalb.  Both were very involved with the church and when they moved to Vermont they were missed.

    Chris was the person who inspired me to go back to growing vegetables.  She taught me about "lasagna" gardens, which involve layers of various items like straw, newspaper, dirt, compost, plants do grow well most of the time.

    She didn't make the trip this time because of work, but Luke and the girls did.

    It was great to see them.  We went to visit them in Vermont in 2016, when J was just about a year old.  She has grown up to be a second grader almost overnight.  It was a treat to meet her younger sister for the first time.

    We ended up talking for almost 2 hours, which may have affected their driving plans for the day.  Luke was taking the girls to the Shedd in Chicago and for pizza before heading for Cleveland.

    They are really good people.  I asked about the flooding and he showed pictures of areas near their home, but because they are on high ground they were not affected.  But many friends were.

    I also took some time to take care of Emily's dogs.  Julia let them out once and I let them out a couple of times.  I don't think the dogs were happy.

    Got in a 40 minute nap and a 25 minute bike ride.  

    But the highlight of the day was the Vermonters.  I sure hope we don't have to wait 7 years to see them again!  I also hope they have a safe trip home.

    Peace and Love

The flowers I could not ID were/are a prairie sunflower.  They are pretty, but I don't like them where they are.  They get fairly tall and block the back garden.  I hate to dig them out, but that really bothers me.

My favorite flower

My favorite Vermonters!!!


Monday, July 17, 2023

good bye????

 Will this be my last post?

    When I win the Powerball tonight, it could be.  

    Don't worry.  I will take care of all my friends.  Each of you will receive $50 gift cards.  Who says I am cheap?

    The last I heard, the prize was approaching $1 BILLION.  I know, that is a lot of $50 gift cards.

    I read a story the other day about scams being run on older people.  Those are now people my age.

    Last year 88,000 people over age 60 reported being scammed out of a collective $3.1 BILLION! 

    A story in the Sunday Trib talked about 2 of the people.  One got a "bill" for an online software subscription account and he clicked on the tab.  I believe he lost over $70,000 because he provided them with his bank account.  

    Another woman lost $75,000 after  she clicked on a pop up that said her computer had a virus.  She called the number and followed their instructions, which involved taking thousands of dollars out of her account and buying Bitcoin and then sending it.

    Both people said they were aware of scams and were careful, but left their guard down.  And it cost them.

    I keep hoping neither us or any of our friends fall for something like that.  But we are all looking for a deal, and many of us are too trusting. very careful, no matter what your age.  Monitor the computer doings of older relatives.

    And be alert.  Don't be scammed.

    In appreciation for this reminder, feel free to send $100 gift cars to me.

Peace and Love

Sunday, July 16, 2023

fun times

 Today was a darn good fun day

    Our nephew, Jason, was here from Pennsylvania to visit his folks.

     So, Jason,  my brother Carl and his wife Ruth came to our house.  So did our sister in law our niece, her husband, and daughters.  In addition, one daughter brought Max, which made it 13 people when figuring us in on the equation.

    I burned some brats and burgers, Julia made taco salad and some Suddenly Salads, our niece  brought dessert and we told stories, laughed, ate, and had a great time.

    Julia was especially helpful with preparing some munchies and the salads.  Since Emily was working until 6, and another daughter was coming out late, we had a late supper.  

    Now, a late supper is anything after 5 when you are over 70.  

    Emily has a couple of dogs that just are skitish.  After a year or more, I can finally pet one of them, but the other shies away from me.

    I took Sam and Max over to meet the hounds and I will be damned if Max didn't sit down next to  the dog and start petting it!  The dog was a little skittish, but really enjoyed the petting.  

    After a few minutes, the dog moved away and Max followed it and squatted and petted it again.

    I was amazed, and a little jealous. He touched the dog more in 5 minutes than I have done in years!

    We took video of the encounter and showed it to Emily, who was also very impressed.

    Anyway, we had a fun time catching up.  These events are too infrequent, but with people spread out so far, it is hard to get together.

Peace and Love

Saturday, July 15, 2023


 I am back to vacation pictures

    Years ago I went to Lucerne and up Mt. Pilatus.  It was beautiful.

    I wanted that experience again this year.  Like I said, I did a lot of things I liked this trip, thinking it would be my last, and I wanted to relive those good times.

    I took the train to Lucerne, then rode the world's steepest cog wheel train to reach  the top.  Then I walked around a bit, eventually making my way to the highest point, only to have clouds and rain move in.

    I took a cable car down and at at the second stop rode a mountain sled.  Then I got back on a cable car and finished my journey down the mountain.  Once I was back in Lucerne, I wandered over to the bridge that is probably the most photographed in the world.

    The Chapel Bridge was built over 650 years ago.  Some 158 panels depicting  the history of Switzerland and Christianity were in the eaves under the bridge.  In 1993 part of the bridge burned, destroying or damaging 110 of the remaining 147 panels.  Only the ends of the bridge were saved.  In about 8 months the bridge was rebuilt and is still used as a pedestrian bridge.

    Some of the panels remain, but I can't imagine what it would have looked like in its full glory.

    Enough words.

Peace and Love

    View from the mountain sleds.  And some people coming down the hill.  Speed is controlled by pushing forward on the stick to go fast, pulling  back to slow.

Going down in the gondola

The Chapel Bridge and water tower

He was fishing off the bridge and netted a big one!

On a clear day the view is stunning...even on a cloudy day it is pretty good.

Somewhere in the fog is the gondola station.



Friday, July 14, 2023


 I had a fun time with Exit 99 tonight

    We did our brand of improv comedy and brought some laughs to folks and ourselves.

    It was kind of dicey though.  There was a severe thunderstorm watch or warning for the area and some tornadoes touched down east of us.  I told the others that if the sirens go off, I am getting in my car and driving home so I can get Jackie into a s afe spot in the house.

    Julia was home with her, but I don't think Julia can get her into her wheelchair by herself.  And Emily would have been wrangling dogs downstairs and would not have been much help.

    Normally Jackie would have been at the show.  But she was tired, and so was Julia.  Emily had to work and then go home to the dogs.  I think it is the first show where no one from my family came.

    Luckily we didn't have any problems.

    But I am tired.  I have been sleeping a lot and even took a nap on the porch today.  Julia says it is jet lag, but it has been a week and there are times I can't keep my eyes open.

    Hopefully I get back into the swing of things.

    That's it!

Peace and Love

Thursday, July 13, 2023

it's your birthday

 1976 was a very good year

    Our nation celebrated its bicentennial and  Emily waas born.

    We lived on the south side of Rochelle and there was no overpass.  I was in fear that Jackie would go into labor and theire would be a train blocking all the crossings.

    The doctor decided to induce, and we went to Rockford Memorial Hospital, confident that no train would stop us mow.

    When the time came for delivery, they asked me if I was going into the room to witness the miracle.  I said no, I wanted everyone to concentrate on Jackie and the baby, not me collapsing n a faint at the first sight of bodily fluids.

    All went well.  Jackie and baby were fine, I was fine, Julia was fine.  Julia actually cried when she finally got to hold Emily.....but I think she was crying because we would not let her hold her at first.  Babies are pretty breakable.

    Little did I know within 24 hours of coming home  we would be headed back to Rockford because Jackie was bleeding... a lot.  

    We strapped the baby in the back seat, put Julia in the front seat and drove to Rockford Memorial, Jackie in the back seat, still bleeding.  As we drove, Julia kept asking, "Is mMommy going to die?"  That probably upset me more than anything.

    But, all is well that ends well.  The good doctor sewed her up, she may have spent the night in the hsopital, my brother tand sister in law took the kids and everything worked out in the end.

    So, happy birthday Emily!  

    We love you very, very much!

    That's it.

Peace and Love

Julia and her baby sister

Wednesday, July 12, 2023


Just a lot of photos today.... a lot 

    I have a hard time putting these in an order that makes, they are just helter skelter.

Strawberry Fields was a home for girls by Paul's house.  He would often climb a tree behind his house and chat up the girls.   Now there is an arts center, if I remember, and a stage that looks like a drum

Beatles in jelly beans!!

George's street  note all the wires coming from a single pole

Door to George's house

John's house

I'm going into Paul's house !!!!!

Back on Matthew street at night

Scale size mock up of the Cavern Club station in the Beatles Museum

In the Yellow Submarine at the Beatles Museum

On the waterfront in Liverpool with Neil, Matt and Carol guiding the group

The statue on the dock

The present Cavern Club.  It was rebuilt but has the same sized stage as the original.  Plus, bricks from the original were used to build the arches.

I think the music affected my focus!

If you saw the Carpool Karoake with Paul McCartney, this was the pub he played in for the sh0w;  It is an old, established, wel known pub.

The irinals are marble.  Seriosly.