Wednesday, December 14, 2022

snow? rain?? both??

 I do not like this weather

    I don't remember when we saw the sun last.  I think it has been over a week, but I am not sure.  That depresses me.

    It has been raining/misting for the past 24 hours and now that may turn into snow tomorrow.  Just ugly.

    I sometimes have trouble with computers.  No, I am not fooling!   Last night I made a donation honoring friends to a group .  I thought it went well.....until I got 2 receipts for 2 donations.  Oops.

    My train tree is finally up.  I was so frustrated with these cheap ornament hangers made in some far off country, that I gave up hanging ornaments.  Julia ordered some on line, they came today, and they are wonderful.  My train  tree is up and none of the ornaments are falling off.

    We have a ceramic Christmas tree that Jackie's dad made for us years ago.  The tree goes over a base, there is a light in the base, and the light shines out through dozens of holes in the tree.  Each hole has a plastic "light" which is illuminated by the light in the base.

    But....over the years we have lost a couple of the little plastic lights.

    Today I went to 2 craft stores looking for some.

    In both places I was stared at as if I were an alien!  Maybe it was my inability to accurately describe what I was looking for.  "Do you have any of those little plastic lights that go into the tiny holes in a ceramic Chrstmas tree?"  I asked one person.

    "What are they called?" she answered.  

    "Little plastic lights that go into holes in a ceramic Christmas tree is what I call them."

    She called an associate on her headset and asked if we had any of the little plastic lights that go into ceramic Christmas trees.  She listened, then said to me, " We did have them but they are all sold out."  

    I didn't believe her.

    In the second store, I felt like I was miscommunicating.

    "Do you have a ceramics sectionl"


    "Yes, I am looking for little lights that go into the holes in a ceramic Christmas tree."


    "Yes.  The tree is on a base with a light bulb.  But the tree has little holes all over that get little plastic lights in them.  They glow when you turn the base on."

    "Oh..  Christmas trees!   All our  Christmas items are in those three aisles."

    I did find the lights at that store last year, but did not realize there are different sizes.  I bought ones that are too big for the holes.  They were in with doll house stuff last year, so I went back to the doll houses but did not see any, big or little.

    I got home and took out the package, figuring if  I go into a store with a product name that would help.

    I guess I am not the only person who doesn't know what to call them.  There was no name on the package either.

    And finally, no matter how many  times I hear Pete Schweady (?) on Saturday Night Live's Christmas special I just crack up.  I am not sure how the 3 of them keep such straight faces.

    Nothing like a good laugh to end the day.

Peace and Love

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