Friday, December 16, 2022


 The holidays are not happy and gay for everyone

    I had no idea who tWitch was.

    From what I have read, he was a happy guy, fun to be around, a great family man and very successful.

    Not what you think of when you hear of someone taking their own life.

    But he did.

    This has been a stressful period in all our lives.  The Pandemic, changes in the work environment, high prices, low wages......all are weighing on us in oh so many invisible ways.

    My guess is we all know someone who has committed suicide.  We probably have all said the same thing:  They are not someone we expected to kill themselves.

    tWitch was not expected to kill himself.

    Two things we all need to do this holiday season, and during the coming years:  Reach out to someone if you are having trooubles you can't seem to overcome.  And listen to your friends and family members.  Be aware of what they say.


    Remember that number.  It is a suicide prevention number available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  If you are feeling like you don't want to go on anymore, call this number.  Or a friend.  Or a family member. 

    There are no problems that can not be overcome.  Stay with us.  Please.

Peace and Love

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