Saturday, December 17, 2022


 I think I have developed SSS

    Squeaky shoes syndrome.

    Never heard of it?  That's because I just made it up.

    I very seldom wear my outside shoes in the house.  Oh sure, if my arms are full of groceries, or Jackie needs to use th ebathroom, I wear them into the house.  But I take them off as soon as I can.

    When visiting Julia, I found most houses are that way.  Shoes go off once inside the door.  Some people provide slippers or shoes for guests,  some people bring their own slippers, some people go in with just their socks.  

    I have quasy adopted that.  I have a couple of pairs of shoes I wear outside, and one pair I wear inside.  Unless I forget and wear them out, but if I do I clean them when I come in.

    Now my inside shoes squeak.  I used to barely hear them, but now it is like an army of rats or teenage girls at a K-Pop concert.  It bothers me.

    I have tried washing the bottoms, but that does not help.

    How loud are they?  Well, I can't sneak up on someone.  And I can hear them without wearing my hearing aids.  That means loud.

    I could just wear slippers, but the shoes have better arch support and my inserts fit in them, which they don't with slippers.

    I don't want to put anything on the bottoms, because the entire purpose is not to track stuff around the house.  

    Maybe they are just old and need to move to the outside shoe category.  I just don't know.

    One of life's mysteries.

    Peace and Love

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