Tuesday, December 27, 2022

So confused

 Maybe it is my age, but WTH!

    I bought a nightgown for Jackie for Christmas.  As I wrapped presents on Christmas Eve, I realized I did not wrap the nightgown.  Then I forgot about the whole thing until I did a load of laundry today.

    I ordered the nightgown in October.  I put it where I knew she would not find it.

    Unfortunately, I could not find it either.

    I put presents in two spots.  The nightgown is not in either one.

    Then today, I went to Walmart and picked up a perscription.  They could not use Easypay. I got a text from Capital One that they declined my card because of a security issue.

    So I called the number they texted me and was connected to a woman whom I could not understand.  I thought I might have been scammed, so I told her I had to hang up.

    I called the customer service number on the back of the card, which was the same number.  I talked to a customer service rep who sounded like he was in the middle of a wild and crazy party.  I could barely hear him over the background noise, which sometimes was louder than the guy I was talking to! (or to whom I was speaking, whatever.)

    They said they halted the sale because of possible fraud.  The same thing happened last week at the Walmart pharmacy.  But the card is good. This time the card on file must have been Jackie's, because that was the number they blocked.

    I finished at the pharmacy and went through my list.  Cucumber was on it.  I picked up a cucumber with a big 66 cent sign on the bin.  I also picked up a calendar from a spot marked $4.86, but a price check revealed it was over $7 so I did not buy it.

    My cucumber rang up at 72 cents. 

    Now, that kind of pissed me off.  It's not the 6 cents, it is the principle of the thing.  The price marked is the price you should pay.

    I went to customer service and complained.  The lady offered me a refund, but I said I did not want the 6 cents, I just want the price to be the same as what is posted.

    I wonder how often that happens.  It may only be a penny or two, but multiplied thousands of times every day, it could amount to a significant profit for any store.

    That's my mini rant for the day.

    Now, excuse me.  I have to go look for a present.  Again.

Peace and Love

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