Friday, December 2, 2022

a twist!

I think scammers are getting more creative 

    Over the past two days I have gotten phone calls from the same number.  I finally answered, and they asked for a Daniel or Bernard....a name I don't know.

    Got another call today.  Same number.  Asking for the same person.  I again said stop calling.

    Well, they did.  

    But, and there is always a big butt, I got a call that said Melbourne FL for the same person.  They left a voice mail about his case going to court and this was his last opportunity to avoid legal action.

    Being a nice guy, I thought of calling the number and telling them they had the wrong number.

    But first, I asked Julia.  We reverse looked up the number and found it was linked to a scam involving Medicare.  People reported the same exact message I had, with a different name.  

    I blocked both numbers on my cell.

    Then I got to thinking.  They call the number several times asking for the nonexistent person.  Then they send the text, and some good hearted soul calls that number and gets roped into something that can't turn out very well.

    The first calls are the set up....the voice message is the kill.

    Don't fall for it.

    I may be old, but I am not entirely stupid.

    Jackie and I went to the Christmas parade in Rochelle tonight.  It was a great turnout and the weather was pretty darn good for Dec. 2.

    Afterwards we went to the VFW hall and visited our friend Beth, who has lots of neat crafts for sale.  She'll be there tomorrow until 2, along with a lot of other neat crafters.

    If you are looking for a neat present, handmade, check out her offerings. 

    And then stop over at the Pickin' Station to see what neat stuff hey have!

    Holy crap.  I just committed a faux pas when I used neat 4 times in a few sentences.  Oh well.

    I did have errands to run today.  Four of them.  I did all four, in order.

    I'm calling today a win.

Peace and Love

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