Monday, December 19, 2022

what da??????

 If you want me, check an old people's home

I swear.....I am losing any mental faculties I once had!

I think my friends Dan and Linda went to the market in Chicago today.  I have a problem being gone that long, so I opted for the market in Aurora.

I left the house and did not shut the overhead garage door.  I discovered that when I returned home and the door was open.

Last night I took some things down to the freezer at about 10:30.  Julia went down this morning and the freezer door was open about 1/2 inch.  (Sheri....not your fault!  Then or now!!!!)  Nothing was thawed, but the stuff I had taken down was not completely frozen, so hopefully no harm was done.

I got to Aurora  missed the road, went past the Paramont Theater and thought about popping in to see Johanna at work.    That was before 

  I turned down the wrong street.

    And made a U turn.  Which  brings to mind a question:  If you are on a one way street turning left onto a one way street, can you turn left after a stop, like you do with a red light?  I thought you could, but I was afraid to try it.

    Anyway, went to the Christmas Market, didn't want to pay $5 for parking, found the free parking was about 16 miles across the river,  made another turn around and went back to the pay lot.

    If you think I an idiot up to this point....wait!!

    I put my credit card  in the auto pay machine, took my reciept, and went to the market. 

    The first stop was the mulled wine booth.  I paid for my wine with money. and walked around the market.

    I should have grabbed some napkins, because I spilled wine down my jacket. 

    After looking around, I thought I would grab a pretzel.  I put my wine down, the pretzel place only took credit/debit cards, and I went to get my debit wasn't there.

    Looked in my pockets, checked the wallet again, the n called the bank and put a block on the card.

    I remember five phone numbers:  my friend John, my barber,  the bank, the hospital, and Jackie's cell.   Don't ask me why.  I can't remember Emily's cell, or Julia's, but I am pretty close except for one or two numbers.

    I retraced my steps, except for getting another wine, but no card.  I checked the lost and found by no one turned it in.

    I got home and told my story, saying the last place I used it was the pay lot.  Julia looked at me and said that was the last place she used hers before it disappeared!  Maybe use used a card eating machine, or it is a Beremuda Triangle for credit cards.

    I stopped at Woodman's on  the way home because we needed a few things.  But I had to scale back my list because they take check, cash or debit card.  

    The Aurora Christmas Market is, well, smaller and less crowded than Chicago.  But it lacks the bustle, the buzz, the schnitzel sandwiches, and the excitement of being gunned down while walking along the sidewalk.

    Just kidding about the last part. 

    I think my shopping is done.  I only have one more thing to get, and that is locally.  

    I just hope I don't lose my way and end up in Memphis.

Peace and Love

No....the market was not crowded at all.

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