Saturday, December 10, 2022


 Today was decorate the sugar cookies day

    We invited 2 of our favorite girls over to help.  Actually, they did almost all  the decorating work!

    Sam and Camryn were pretty awesome in their creativity!  Julia also helped, while Jackie and I just stood back and watched.

    It was a fun day.  And despite the terrible weather, mist and fog, it was actually sunny in the house!

    I think I am getting a little goofy.

    I have not found my hammer, but I was looking on my shoe shelf and behind all my shoes I found two things I had not been looking for.  Tomorrow, for sure, I will find the hammer.  And maybe eat a sugar cookie or two.

Peace and Love

I especially like the multi colored Christmas llama in the lower right.

I ate the Grinch!

I have no idea how my clamps got on the shelf behind my shoes.......I may be losing it.

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