Wednesday, December 7, 2022

not this year

 I am breaking another Christmas tradition of mine

    I  am not reading A Christmas Carol.

    Understand, I have read that every year for as long as I can remember.  I start the Friday after Thanksgiving and finish the week before Christmas.

    This year?  Eh.  Just don't feel like it.

    That's two traditions out the window this year.  No live tree, no Dickens.

    And I feel a third one is also going to be broken.

    I have gone to the Christmas market in Chicago for, gosh, a long time.  I have a collection of little mugs from mulled wine, with a different design each year.

    But this year?  Logistics are just too difficult.  I had a doctor's appointment set for Monday and friends Dan and Linda invited me to go along with them to the big city.  But the doc's office called today and rescheduled.  Unfortunately, I don't think there is enough time to find help for Jackie.  Yes, Julia is here but she is working from home and may not be available to help.  

    So my alternate plan is to head to Aurora Friday afternoon following my 2 p.m. heart doc check up. He is with Rockford Cardiology, but comes to Rochelle on Friday and sees patients at the local hospital.

    This will be my first visit with him.  My former heart doc retired shortly after my last visit.  (Coincidence?) At least I won't have to confess to him that I have not been exercising for the past 6 or 7 months.

    Aurora might not be ideal.... no Macy's tree in the Walnut room, or State Street lit up, or the incredibly boring windows at Macy's, or kids pounding on upside down buckets, or people on street corners begging or just yelling out to anyone who will listen.... but it will be a new experience.

    I went to visit Julia at Christmas pre pandemic.  I went to 2 Christmas markets in France, 4 or 5 in Switzerland, and I loved them all.  I will miss the Chicago one, but who knows, maybe Aurora will be enjoyable too.

    Speaking of new experiences, anyone who reads this who is interested in having walking dates at the REC 2 or 3 days a week, let me know.  I'd like to go about 1:30 or so, but for sure before school lets out.  I would like to get a mile in a couple of times a week.  I think walking with someone will help, because if I don't show I will be letting them down.

    I need to get moving.

 Peace and Love

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