Friday, December 30, 2022

family ties

We had a great visit with family today 

    Our niece and her family came for a visit.  One of their girls brought her boyfriend and we had a great time visiting, telling stories, and eating.

    Eating is always a thing we do.  Appetizers, then pizza, then cookies....the food never seems to stop.

    Our nieces's daughters go to the U of I.  They are pretty smart.  They are taking some fun courses next semester, courses dealing with gene therapy, and some involving physics.  I have no idea what the courses were.  When I went to college I took art appreciation and cooking in the outdoors, which I thought were fun courses.  But they said these were fun courses.  I think we have a different definition of fun.

    My niece and her husband both went to the U of I and have science related degrees.  I always felt that science people were pretty darn smart.  

    One of the girls brought a boy friend who is also in science.  In the 3 of them I can see the positive influences they can possibly make in our world.

    I won't understand any of it, but it will still benefit me and all of us.

    Just think, as I write this 2022 only has about 27 hours left. 

    In some ways that is good, but in other ways it isn't.  We are all a little older.  Some of us are a little wiser. Some of us are still writing 2021 on our checks.  

    Here's hoping 2022 was a good year for you and that in 2023 you will find good health, good family connections, good jobs, good fortune and lots of good food, family, and friends.

Peace and Love

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