Sunday, December 11, 2022

a shade of green

 I met one of my idols today

    Well, maybe not an idol, but certainly a person I respect, admire, look up to, and who makes me green with envy.  Guess that makes then an idol. 

    I like to write.  That's why I do a blog.   That's why I did a newspaper column for several years.  That's why I got into journalism.  That's why I write books...or at least try to.

    That's where Molly comes in.

    She has written several, and I mean several, romance novels and is well known in the romance circles.  But she has also done other novels, including A Day in the Death of Walter Zawislak, which I absolutely loved.  She tells a great story. 

    Google her and you will find dozens, maybe hundreds ?, of books she has done.   Most of us know her as Molly Fader, but Molly O'Keefe is her pen name.  Gosh, I hope I did not give away any secrets with that!

    I can't even finish a book in a 5 year span.

    And then there is Judy Knauer.  Mom of friend Carrie, she has several crime story novels published and available on Amazon.  She is a former newspaper person turned writer and  she is also successful.  She also makes me green!

    I also look up to her and respect her work.  Guess she is another idol.

    Both of them are good people to talk to and to know.

    But, and there is always a big butt, they always bring me to question why I can't do that too?

    Why do I have 2 books finished, 2 underway, and 1 bouncing around in my brain trying to find a way out?

    I always have so many doubts.  Is it good?  Does it tell a story well?  Is it interesting? Are the characters real?

    There is also the how to do it part of me.  How do I find an agent or editor, how do I find a publisher, how do I make a margarita?  That has nothing to do with the others, but I am curious and I have a lot of rum in the house.


    I found a hammer.  I hung my poster.

    Now I have to find my muse.

Peace and Love

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