Tuesday, December 13, 2022

holy crap

What a lousy night this is 

    Cold.  Rainy.  Windy.  A terrible night.

    As W.C. Fields once said, "T'aint a fit night out for man nor beast."

    Jackie had a check up for her wound today.  She had a growth taken off and while it was a basal cell cancer, there doesn't seem to be any immediate threat to her.  That's the good news.  The bad news is it may take a couple of months to heal completely.

    We had planned to go to Camryn's holiday music program tonight.  But I did not want to go out in the cold and rain.  It would not be bad if it was just us getting out of the car and trotting inside.  But I have to get Jackie in her wheelchair and that is a process.  I figured we would both be drenched before we got inside.

    Luckily the concert was streamed on YouTube, so we got to watch.  It was pretty darn good.

    I was in chorus in high school.  Whenever I hear the Hallelujah Chorus by Handel, I want to sing along with the tenor part.  Maybe it's the bass part.  Been so long I don't remember.  Beautiful music.

    We had steaks from Headon's tonight.  I cooked them in the air fryer.  I was going to grill in the garage, but the wind was blowing too strongly.  The one problem is I can only do 1 steak at a time.  So I cooked Julia's, then Jackie's, then mine.  Needless to say, by the time mine was done the other dishes were cool and had to be reheated.  But it was still good.

    Today was anniversary 53...so I figured steaks were in order.

    Before the rain started I finally took in my porch furniture and all the potted plants.  I still have to sort it all out in the garage, but they at least are off the porch.

    Problem is, I just can't seem to get ahead of things.  Maybe tomorrow.

Peace and Love

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