Sunday, December 4, 2022

ready for the snow, almost

 I am almost ready for winter

    Julia and I moved the grill into the garage today.  I don't leave it on the patio during the winter because, well, because I don't.  Sometimes I grill and it is warmer doing it in the garage, with the door open, than out in the cold.

    I sitll have some chairs to move into the garage, but I can't do that until I rearrange my lawn cart.  Then I can stack stuff on top of that to create more space for other stuff.

    I filled bird feeders two days ago but the birds have not discovered the food yet.  I have gone 2 months without filling the feeders and they may have forgotten me.

    The manger scene is out, the only decorating left is my train tree.  I hope to get that tomorrow.

    I was reading the Tribune today and in the real estate section they featured a house for sale in my old neighborhood.

    I once lived at 4059  N. Greenview. this house was in the 4100 block.  I looked at the picture and for the life of me, I could not place this house.  Then it hit me full on...a guy named Randy Dahl was friends with my older brother and his family lived there.  I kind of think it was two apartments, but that was 55 year ago.

    But the memory of the house came back to me.  It is beautiful.  It is listed for only $2.2 million.  

    And it has a parterre!  It's a beautiful parterre, too.  Now, I admit I have no idea what that is, so I looked it up.  It's a level space occupied by an ornamental arrangement of flower beds.  I learned something, which will soon be forgotten.

    That's because of the senscing in my life.  A little village in Italy received 21 million in redevopment funds because the senscement of the village and officials were afraid the village would disappear.

    Another thing I learned.  Senscing is the natural aging of plants and animals. 

    So this village got a lot of money because it's residents were old.

    Hell, I'm old and nobody is giving me money!  If they did, I would use it for a parterre.  Or a good wine  Maybe a night on the town.  Who knows?

    Maybe I'd even buy that house in the old neighborhood.

Peace and Love

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