Thursday, December 8, 2022

If I had a hammer

I'd hang up my poster 

    Another drawback to being disorganized.

    I bought a poster at Pickin' Station in September.  Until Tuesday it was sitting in my garage.  I decided it was time to hang it.

    I have four hammers.  A regular carpenter's type hammer, a child's lightweight hammer, an old wooden handled one that has splinters, and a garage hammer that has a bent head and is terrible for nailing things together.

    I can't find any of them.  Zilch. Nada.  None.

    I looked in all the obvious places:  workbench, (to be honest, I have never used a workbench for work....just a place to put things.  But evidently not my hammer.) the tool tub in the pantry, the garage cabinet and toolbox, the back of the golf cart, which seems to have a lot of crap on it that is not a hammer.

    It's not like someone borrowed it.  Not many people borrow hammers!  Well, except for people like me who can't find their hammer.

    But honestly, 4?

    I will look again tomorrow because sometimes the eyes don't see what is being sought.

     I took part in the Community Action Network shopping spree tonight.

    A list is compiled of families who are having a tough time at Christmas.  Volunteers take the kids shopping at the local Walmart.  Each adult volunteer is given a $75 gift card  per child and a list prepared by a parent of things the child needs.

    I went with a 4 year ond and his mother first.  The little one was a bit tired and didn't want to be shopping.  But mom picked out some things and I had him pick out a toy.

    My second person was an 8 year old boy who had a lot of energy.  I lost him once, called him the wrong name twice, got rammed by the shopping cart once, and had to tell him no on every piece of candy he wanted.  We also shopped for his little sister, which is a problem for me because I am terrible at shopping for little girls.

    What should have taken less then an hour took almost 90 minutes, but we spent the full amount.  I had him pick out a toy for himself and one for his sister.  When we got back to headquarters I told the mom that the snow boots seemed to fit, but to be sure.  Sadly, there were hardly any snow boots at the store.  I also showed her the toys he  picked out for her and the mom said they were ok.

    I think almost every volunteer thinks the way I do.  Get stuff on the list and the toys are extra and not part of the shopping total.

    Jackie has gone with in the past, but opted to stay home tonight.  I think little Jack would have run her over with the cart if she had gone!

Peace and Love

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