Thursday, December 15, 2022

no friend of mine

 I had a huge argument today

    I was actually yellng in frustration.  I finally pulled the car over, stopped and tried to reason with it, but no luck.

    I am talking about Siri.

    I ran some errands today (Yes, I hit all the places I had on my list.) and I got a text while driving.  

    I have the ability to orally answer the text, so I did.

    Then I tried to send another text.

    Instead, Siri started playing music on my phone. 

    I again said, "Hey Siri, text Julia."

    No response, just music.

    After I gave up and started driving again, I could not get Sirius radio back!  I told Siri to play Sirius and she again played the Beatles from my phone.  I tried it again.  No result.  I  asked it to play a third time. Nothing.

    And I mean nothing.  The sound went off and the in car screen went black.

    So I pulled over (I was on a back road) and hit buttons to no avail.  I turned the car off and back on.  Black screen.  Turned my phone off.  

    I lost my temper.

    "You stupid, idiotic litte twit!  Play Sirius.  Play Sirius!  Play Sirius, damn it!"


    I hit more buttons.  Black screen but music from my phone coming through my hearing aids.

    I started driving again, and again asked Siri to play Sirius.  You know what she said?  She said she was sending me information on  that to my computer.!  What the hell!!!

    So I drove in silence until I hit another safe place to stop.

    I found a source button on the screen and hit it,  Up came sources, one of them Sirius.  I hit that and got back to where I wanted to be.

    But, and there is always a bg butt,  it was so frustrating.   I can't, and people shouldn't, get so distracted by their cars and hitting buttons when moving.  Pulling over was an option, but it was still frustrating.

    Now I have to face her in the morning when I ask what the temperature is.

    Wonder if she will remember  today.

Peace and Love

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