Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Hold on

 This could be an interesting two or three days

    We are in a Winter Storm Warning area.  Up to 5 inches of snow, but strong winds and falling temps.  Weather service is warning to be aware of icy road conditions, blowing and drifting snoiw,  power outages, and downed tree branches.

    In other words, don't drive unless you have to.

    The power loss concerns me.  We live in the country.  No power, we can't get water because the well pump does not work.

    That's why we opted for a generator.  But, and there is always a big butt, we waited too long to decide, not realizing the supply chain was very slow.  Our generator was set last Saturday, but a cable needed to run to the electric panel did not arrive.  So.... if the power goes, we hold it and freeze.

    Well, they hold it.  I will just go outside.  As long as my  back is to the wind, I will be ok.

    Emily has had her generator for over a year and is really happy to have it.  Now, you would think we could just go to Emily's......but she has some steps up into her house and I don't think we could easily get Jackie inside. Plus, there are no grab bars or handles in the bathrooms, making it tough to get on and off the pot.

    I am praying we don't lose power for long.

        I did ask Emily and Julia to buy 5 1 gallon jugs of water.  But, I forgot the space between the 5 and 1, Emily texted me and asked if I really wanted 51 gallon jugs of water.  She was yanking my chains.

    And despite Jackie and Dave, the lawmower guy, telling me to check the snowblower, I waited until tonight to do that.  No, it did not start.  I checked the owner's manual on line and read where I should check the oil level before every use.  I checked it.  No oil registered.  So, I made my third trip into town for a quart of oil. 

    Imagine my surprise when I saw the price was over $7!!  For a lousy quart of oil!!  Last time I bought oil it was 95 cents a quart....but that was years ago.

    I waited an hour and tried again and this time it started.  Lucky for me, eh?

    I just hope the guy that plows our driveway comes through.

Peace and Love

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