Tuesday, December 6, 2022

so it begins

 We made our first batch of Christmas cookies today

    To be honest, I have a love/relationship with this.  Jackie wants to make 4 different types.  I want to make Mae's shortbread cookies.  That will be 5 types of cookies.

    When I went to the doctor before Thanksgiving he gave me the look and said I had gained 4 pounds since my last visit and 8 pounds this year.  I guarantee you, 5 different types of cookies will not help me lose weight.

    I know.  Don't be snarky and say, "You don't have to eat them."

    No, I don't.  But I can't resist!  I can hear them calling me from the freezer downstairs, or from the container in the closet.  "Terry, Terry, come....I am delicious!  Devour me!!!  Come!!"

    So I do.

    I have no will power.  And I am cheap.  That is a bad combination.

    For example.....we had some left over cupcakes from when John and Kathy came out.  Now, I could have frozen them.  There were 8 left.  But I have decided to eat one (or two) a day until they are gone.  That is a great sacrifice on my part, sparing the rest of my family the pain of eating cupcakes and putting on weight.

    But, and believe me, there is a big butt with this one, I will be walking at the REC.  I plan to go Monday, Wednesday and Friday this week.  What?  Today is Tuesday?  Crap.  Missed the first day.  

    Next week is medical week.  We have a doctor appointment every day except Friday.  But this Friday I have an appointment.  

    This is also the time of year I begin to stress out over things not yet done.  Still have chairs on the porch.  Still need to organize the garage so I can get the chairs in.  Still ... still....still...... those words just keep echoing in my head.

    I won't get to the Christmas market in Chicago either.  I won't go on a weekend because it is too crowded.  But there isn't a day when I don't have something.  

    I thought in retirement life would be more relaxing.   It just seems busier every week.

Peace and Love

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