Friday, December 9, 2022


 The world is full of oddities

    I had never heard of Pilk until today.

    I am assuming it is real.  But, there are people who put stuff out there that seems real but is not.  Exhibit A is tRump.

    Any way, Pilk is Pepsi with a little bit of milk added to it.

    I know!  It sounds disgusting.  I will not attempt it because, well, it sounds disgusting.

    But it supposedly has been around since the 70s!  People actually take Pepsi and pour milk into it, then drink it.  Crazy.  By the way, if you have  tried it, let me know.

    I put milk in cereal, on oatmeal, in coffee and tea..... but never would have thought in Pepsi.

    Now I wonder if there is a Cilk....or Drilk for Coke and Dr. Pepper.

    I also read a story about police being called to a library because a patron was masturbating and the staff felt unconforable.

    I can see why.

    I just wonder what he was reading!

    My old heart doc retired and I had a yearly check in with a new guy today.  He asked me how often I exercised and I told him every June.  I don't think he has the same sense of humor as my former doc.  

    Long story short....I need to exercise regularly and lose a couple of pounds.

    Coming from a heart doc, I think I will take that advice a little more seriously.

    He wants me to have an echo just to compare it to my previous one from 2019.  He asked if I have shortness of breath, (no) chest pains, (no) trouble walking, (no) and generally seemed please with my EKG and blood tests.

    Now I have to get serious about the exercise.  I am way too lax, and way to heavy, to let it go any longer.

Peace and Love

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