Monday, December 26, 2022

Huh! It's Over?

That sure was fast! 

    Christmas flew past, once it arrived.  Good times.  Good memories.

    I turned on the car and the channel that had been doing Christmas music was back to tunes from the 40s.  I do like that music.  And the 50s.  And the 60s.  But once we get past the 80s I have no idea about music.  I guess I am frozen in musical time.

    Speaking of frozen in time, we got up late today.  Julia and Emily were going shopping early.  I got up, the house was quiet, I assumed they had gone. 

    Now, I do like the brief stroll around the house au natural when I come  out of the shower.  That might be a good thing to remember if you come to our door before 11 a.m.  But with Julia living with us, I have halted that practice.  Until today.

    I texted Julia and Emily, asking them to please pick up some hangers for our shirts.  Emily said they changed their minds and did not go.

    Luckily for me, Julia was downstairs and stayed downstairs during my jaunt around the living room.  Had I known she was home, I would not have done that.  Just glad no damage was done  to her vision or my modesty.

    And even though I slept a long time, I was still tired.  I sat in my chair about 1:30 to read and Jackie woke me at 4:30.  I wonder if I will be able to sleep tonight.

    Not much got done around the house, because you have to be awake to do things.  

    I did use my leaf blower to clear the sidewalk and 3/4 of the driveway.  But the battery died and I hand shoveled the rest.

    I know.....40s by Thursday, so why bother? 

    I did not do a very good job anyway.

    Happy first day of Christmas.

Peace and Love

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