Monday, December 5, 2022 I remember

 I need to keep a Christmas decoration detail book

    That would help me a lot.

    For instance, I put lights on our outside bushes.  (Although I think outside is a totally unnecessary  word, because who has bushes inside?  Unless your name is George.)  But this year I ran out of lights with five bushes to go!

    What gives?

    So I opened some new lights and put them on the bushes.  (The outside ones, not the ones named George.)

    As I got the decoration tub out for the upstairs tree, I grabbed the container of lights I was 100 percent sure went on that tree.

    Except, they don't.  They go on the bushes.  (No more George Bush jokes.  Getting old.)(And I apologize for the reference, which was not funny to start with.)

    I remembered that as I was looking at the lights.  I then realized why I was short so many.

    Plus I keep finding bags of lights.  1 gallon storage bags, filled with lights.  Colored lights, white lights.....I don't know why I put them in bags.  Maybe they are not LED lights?  Or maybe they are LED lights that we did not like? Sigh.......

    I need to write stuff down so I remember it next year.  And I need to label bags.  But where to write it?  Create a file on the computer and do it there, then forget the name of the file?

    I did not buy paperwhites before Thanksgiving.  I have done that for years, but this year I forgot.  Need to make a note of that for next year.

    By the way, I did buy some today.  Lady said they should bloom by Christmas if I plant them right away.  I will do it tomorrow.  If I remember.

    I wish I had saved my annual Christmas letters.  The first one I did created quite a stir, but I did not save a copy.  That was over 20 years ago, but it was a good letter.

    I realize there is just too much for me to remember.  I can't do it.  Notes don't help, making a note in the phone has not worked, and if I can't remember something from this morning then how can I remember it a year from now?

    So maybe a notebook will be my guide.  It has to be better than doing what I am doing now.

Peace and Love

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