Monday, December 12, 2022


I am so slow getting things done 

    I finally hung the poster I bought in September.  Part of the problem was not being able to find a hammer.  Once I found it, I hung the poster.

    Jackie and I addressed Christmas cards today.  Hopefully they will be mailed tomorrow.  I do a letter, and this year I just had a hard time composing the "funny" side.  Nothing seemed funny.  Maybe it's the times, but I had a hard time with it.

    I started putting up my train tree today.  I gave up after dropping the third ornament.  Luckily they are metal and don't easily break, although one youngster visiting a couple of years ago managed to grab one off the tree and run it across the floor before I could stop him.  Slight damage, and easily repaired.

    My frustration is the stupid hangers are not very good.  My hands are not very good.  And I can't see the hooks.  I am going to have Jackie help me finish it tomorrow.

    Jackie and I got pedicures today.  Our nails did not really need to be trimmed, but the shop is closing in December for a month and they were booked for the week of Dec. 19.   So we figured go early.  We also made an appointment for the end of January.

    It seems strange that 2022 is almost done.  It seems like summer did not exist and fall only happened for a day or two.  I don't think we have seen the sun for 5 or 6 days and I am getting depressed.  I need the sun. 

    I have 3 bird feeders in my back yard.  I did not fill them since September.  I filled them with new seed about Dec. 1, but have yet to see any birds!  Either they don't know the seed is there or they have given up on me.  Hopefully they come back soon.

    I usually get smaller birds.  I rarely see cardinals or any other neat looking birds, but a lot of snow birds and sparrows.  

    I am rambling.

Peace and Love

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