Friday, September 30, 2022

to test, or not to test

 I don't think I have Covid

    I do believe it is a cold.  I cough, and I am tired.  Two days ago I felt great and did a small thing outside, and yesterday I was not feeling well, again.

    Today I felt good, went shopping, and tonight I am very tired.

    So, I took a Covid test.

    I have a tendency to not read things correctly, so I got Jackie to read the directions while I did the test.

    This can be a challenge.  When making a recipe, she will do that and at some point toward the end will start reading from the beginning, causing me to note we have already done that part.  After several instances, we finally get to the last step or two.

    So it was with some trepidation I handed her the directions.  I did give her the English version.

    She read them slowly and carefully, and I repeated what she said while doing it.  Lay the card flat.  Handle by the edges.  Drop 6 drops into top circle. Fold over test and seal.  Don't touch the wrong end of the swab.  Do each nostril 15 seconds, swirling continuously.  Place the swab in the holder so the tip reaches the top circle.  Let sit 15 minutes.

    It all went well......I only had one line, which means no Covid.  

    Now I can relax.

    We also had blood tests today.  The person who drew my blood at the local hospital was gently and reassuring.  It was a good draw.

    In the past I have gotten dizzy and even fainted, although I have gotten better with age.

    The car seat is working out nicely.  My back does not hurt after taking Jackie some place, and that is good. And I have not dropped her, which is an even bigger plus.

    I did feel a little sad today.  One friend returned from Italy, another returned from Vermont, and I went shopping.  

    I wonder which of us had more fun?

Peace and Love

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