Saturday, September 24, 2022


 Today just flew past

    I was up fairly early.  Well, 9 a.m. anyway.  I went to let out the dogs at Emily's at 10:30, went back at 2:30 and again at 5:30.

    I did not need to go at 5:30 since she got home while I was there.

    I also went to the market at Cypress House.  

    We have been out of the highly addictive white chocolate pretzels for a couple of weeks, and they just got a shipment yesterday.

    Owner Krista saw me and told me there were in, so I got 3 bags.  

    I don't know why I love these so much.  I can't eat just one, or two.  Jackie likes them also, but she only eats two at a time.

    I also took more items to the Pickin Station.  I can't seem to find what I want to take there, however.  I need to do a thorough search of boxes in the basement this week.

    Jackie asked me to make cookies, and I did that.  She read the directions and checked to be sure they looked ok.  They taste fine.

    I also did 3 loads of laundry.  

    So I was surprised when I looked a the clock and saw it was almost 8.  It seems like the day just flew by, which I think happens when you get busy.

    I already have several small chores on my to do list for tomorrow, but the Bears are on and I may watch a little of that.

    At least I slept will last night.  I never heard the cuckoo at midnight, and did not get up from my den chair until 1:30, but I went right back to sleep in bed after that.  I hope I have the same luck tonight.

Peace and Love

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