Sunday, September 25, 2022


 That describes today

    Went to a fund raiser, called a woman by her sister's name, went shopping for a nut, watched the Bears eke out a victory.

    The fundraiser was a huge event.  Lots of people,with music, raffles, food.... all for a local girl who has spinal bifida and wanted to raise money to help find a cure, or preventative, for this crippling disease.  Since it was also her birthday, it was a kind of fund raising birthday party.  It was a nice event.

    Saw lots of people I have not seen in a while, which is always good.  

    My big buy of the day was a nut.

    While Emily was gone this weekend, I thought it would be nice for dad to replace the broken wheel on her hose cart with the new wheel she ordered.  Except, the bad wheel was off and I could not find the nut.

    So I took the remaining nut on the left side and went to buy a nut yesterday.  But the one I bought yesterday was too small.  It was 3/8.  Emily mentioned it may have been a metric measurement, since it was improted.  So today I went and bought a 12 mm bolt, which is about 1/2 inch.  

    I got back to her house and.....Voila!!  She found the missing bolt and put the wheel on herself.

    If anyone needs a 12 mm bolt that costs 79 cents, let me know and I will give it to you.

    Also looked at the haul Julia bought a the Warren's Cranfest event.  Lots of neat yard type ornaments.  They did see a  metal bison, but the $1,100 price tag seemed a bit much for something to stick out in t he yard. They had a fun time.

 The six jobs I had to do this weekend did not get done.  I need to scale back on my expectations.  So the six jobs will get done this week.  And probably several more will be added.

    I am incredibly tired for not doing anything.  I don't have a fever, but feel warm.  About 4 times an hour I cough.  It's almost like I a getting a cold.

    Might be hot toddy time.

Peace and Love

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