Tuesday, September 6, 2022

well... a deep subject

 Being observant is everything 

    Which is a problem for me.  I don't always notice things.  I don't read the italics life throws in my direction.

    We put a special seat in the car for Jackie.  There is a rebate to help with the cost of the seat.

    The dealer filled out the rebate for me.  All I had to do was pick it up, make sure it was complete, and mail it in.

    But, and there is always a big butt, I read it when I got home from Rockford.

    One of the things I had to have was the installer has to sign the rebate to certify it was installed.  The installer was about 3 blocks away from the dealer.

    So today I had to drive up to Rockford and get the form signed.

    To me it was a mistake that cost me a couple of gallons in gas, and at  today's pirce, it was a costly mistake.

    So I combined my trip with a quick visit to see my brother and sister in law, who just happened to have baked some rhubarb scones.  Good timing on my part.  I also got some mums and thistle seed and a piece for my gutter project.

    Add in a meeting this morning and I really did not have a lot of free time today.  So, nothing accomplished around the house.

    But tomorrow.....gutters and new compost bin will be tackled.  The big problem will be moving stuff from the current bin to the new bin.  I don't really want to do that.  If you are not busy, bring a shovel and come join the fun!

    And those damned picnic beetles are out in force.  You can hit them with something, but swatting doesn't kill them.  They have to be squished.  And they get into anything that is edible.

    At times like this, I really miss by screened in breezeway.

    But, life goes on.

Peace and Love

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