Monday, September 12, 2022

not again, again

I always told my students to read the directions 

    Read all of them.  Make sure you know each step you are going to do.

    I should follow that advice.

    My compost bin came apart.  I can't put it back together.  I ordered a new bin.

    I put the new bin together today.

    I looked at the directions, which were pictures with the words "push down" the only real directions.  No problem, I have put IKEA furniture together, how hard can it be?

    I snapped in the first two of 8 snaps and noticed the top did not line up with the side.  That's when I noticed the words on the side of the bin.  I had the side upside down.  

    No problem, just unsnap it.

    45 minutes later, four screwdrivers, countless repititions of my line in the next play, lots of tugging, and I finally got the first of  two unsnapped.  I took another 10 minutes and got the second one unsnapped, because now I knew how to do it.

    After that, it took 5 minutes to assemble the bin.

    I just did not notice the wording on the lettering on a black bin.  Yes, I should have been more observant, but a little heads up would have been nice.

    I had a great night's sleep, and my feet did not itch last night.  Not very often I saw those things.

    I have a list of items to take to the antique booth, tomorrow I will start tagging and pricing them.  

    I would have done that today, but between assembling the bin and freezing peppers, I have run out of the will to do anything except shiver because I am so damn cold.

    In case you are keeping score, I had 3 inches in the rain gauge yesterday and another inch in it at noon today.  That's a lot of rain.

    Too bad some didn't come sooner.

Peace and Love

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