Thursday, September 29, 2022

dream homes

 I admit, I was impressed

    One of the Chicago TV stations had a story of a penthouse for sale on Lake Shore Drive in Chicago.

    It has 8,000 square feet, 6 bedrooms, 6 full bathrooms, and a to die for outdoor green space of 5,000 square feet.

    It had been listed for sale at $17 million but was reduced to $12 million.

    I looked at pictures and could see myself sitting out on the lawn, 24 stories above street level,  watching the lake and the city from up high.  I could almost taste the hot chocolate on a late winter night as a fire burned in one of the several fireplaces.  Maybe I would have a fire outside, in a firepit, as I watched the lake ice over.

    Or in the summere watching the fireworks at Navy Pier, a few close friends over to use the 6 bathrooms or to join me on the green space playing croquet.  

    Now, all I need is for 12 friends to join me in my venture.  If 12 of you each pitch in a million, we could buy this and use it for a vacation home.  Of course, my investment is in time and effort, not actual money.  Plus someone would have to clean the bathrooms, so that would also be part of my contribution.

    I don't think I am a Communist, but when I see people with mult-million dollar homes, and yachts worth more than the value of some countries, I think we are a little messed up.  There has to be a better way than having a few amass so much while so many struggle to get through life.

    My brother and sister in law in Florida came through Ian ok.  They lost power unmtil today, and as of this afternoon did not have water, but relatively slight damage in their area near Fort Myers.  I don't know if my brother heard anything about his place, but I will call tomorrow for an update.

    And Florida friend Elle, I hear you are safe.  How is your house?  Can you get to it?

    After listening to Bob and Anita talk about the storm, I realized I would go crazy if I was in their situation.  I panic at tornado watches and severe thunder storms.  But hours with pounding rain, hellacious wind and no electricity would put me over the edge.

I'll never leave Illinois.

Peace and Love

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