Tuesday, September 20, 2022

oh boy

Sometimes I just mess up, despite my intentions 

    If you ever arrange a date or meeting with me, triple check.

     Jackie has a doctor's appointment in Sycamore, Wednesday.

    I messaaged DeKalb friends Barb and Rick last night.  I told them yes, this was last minute but do you want to meet at Ollie's around 2?

    This morning Barb messaged me and said yes, and she hoped it would not be too hot for Jackie.

    I thought to myself the temp is supposed to be really nice Wednesday.   But my original message never said a day, and I realized at 1 that they were planning on meeting us at 2  today! 

    It never occured to me to specify a day.  

    Now, this is about the third time I have arranged to meet them on the wrong day. 

    This is pretty common for me, as well as frustrating.  I often double  book meetings, outings, get togethers....it's like a disease.

    Anyway, I called and it is all straightened out and we will meet tomorrow, Wednesday, for custard.

    I ran into friend Bart at a store today and showed him our new van.

    It was when I opened the sliding doors that I realize it looks like a garbage dump!  Paper and bags all over the place.  It is a mess.  I need to do a quick pick up tomorrow before we go.

    Which pretty much summarizes my garage, basement, bathroom closet, den, and the general state of my mind.  Lots of clutter, baggage, and stuff that needs to be sorted and dealt with.

    I went to buy new socks but got frustrated.  I was looking for socks like I have, but I got confused. Am I wearing quarter socks or ankle socks?  What is the difference?  Why can't they just make long socks and short socks?

    Then I thought, I only wear them with shorts, and since it is getting cooler, why bother?  I will look next spring.

    But we all know next summer will come and I will still be whining about socks.

    Unlike the seasons, some things never change.

Peace and Love    

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