Wednesday, September 21, 2022


 I have several questions

    Was the person that passed me in a double yellow lined part of Flagg Road in a hurry or just stupid?  I was doing a little above the speed limit, and they came up on me like a bat out of hell.  Then they passed.  It was weird.

    I see a commercial on tv at night with a woman touting a fashion business.  She walks by putting one foot in front of the other.  Not next to each other, but directly in front.

    I tried that and almost fell and broke something valuable. Is that a normal way to walk?  She also leans against a wall, something I am sure we all do during our day.

    Why when we are in a hurry do we hit every red light?  On our way to the doctor's today we hit 5 red lights in Rochelle.  (yes, we do have that many in town)  The only two that were green were near the high school.  We did make it on time.  I am surprised there wasn't a train too.

    Why am I so tired right up until the moment I get in bed?  Then I am wide awake. Happened again last night, still awake at 2.  But at 10 I was so tired I could hardly keep my eyes open.  

    Why does Ollie's custard taste better than Culver's custard?  Ollie's just has a nicer texture and taste.  We had some today with Barb and Rick and enjoyed a nice visit under the trees.  By the way, Ollie's is for sale...would be a great opportunity for somone willing to work hard for 6 or 7 months a year.

    Will the Bears win more than 5 games this year?  I was optimistic after the first game, but the Packers brought me back to reality.  I guess that is not a why question.

    Why don't I see things?  I was at the store looking for pizza sauce.  Could not find it. Walked down two aisles.  Finally a clerk asked me what I was looking for and she took me to it.  It was right where I had looked.  In plain view.  There must be a scientific thing going on where items are not there when you look but are teleported when you walk away.

    Such is my life.

Peace and Love


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