Thursday, September 8, 2022

winner, winner

I did something right today 

    Not that I don't do things right ever day, but this was more right than usual.

    I went to a fund raiser which featured a silent auction.  I perused the offerings, and put in a bid on one basket

    I don't think people were aware of the contents.  I believe the cost of the basket's contents totalled over $100.  I paid $50.  Actually I bid $45, but I felt a little guilty!

    Score one for me!

    I had 7 stops to make in town after my chiropractor appointment today.  I wrote them down on a sheet of paper, numbered them in order of stops because I was getting gas for the mower and wanted that to be the last stop.

    I figured Walgreen's would be stop 6 b ecause I had 2 items to return.

    Stop  5 was Cypress House, because it is on the way.

    I was at Cypress House when I realized I did not bring the things to return nor did I  bring gas cans for the mower.


    I could not believe it.  Then on the way home I realized I still had not taken the mums out of the back end of the van.  They have been there since Tuesday.  I took them out and watered them, hopefully I did not kill them already.

    Best part of the day was no falls.

     I was saddened to hear of the Queen's death.  She is the only queen I have known England to have, and I am sure many of you are in the same boat.  She always seemed like such a gentle, kind soul.  I loved the picture of the double rainbow over  Buckingham Palace.   It was a fitting symbol.

    Peace and Love


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