Friday, September 2, 2022

new ventures

 I am taking a giant leap

    Well, maybe not giant.  But huge.  Well, ok, maybe not huge, but big.

    Friend Linda and I rented space at Pickin' Station, a local antique mall.  We are booth 23 and starting later this month we will be selling antique and vintage items.

    I hope we are able to sell some of the collectables we have amassed over the years.  If nothing else, we will have  tried and had some fun in the process.

    Speaking of fun, today was a pretty fun day.  

    Friend Curt came over with some produce and a large print edition of "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" which he happened to have.  We had a couple of brews, unusual for me, and just visited.

    Friend Sheri was over and did some weeding for us, and she joined the group.  So Jackie, Julia, Sheri, Curt and I had a great  time just talking about all kinds of stuff.  It was a good time.

    I switched over to rosé,  which seemed like a good idea at the time.  Now I am not so sure.

    But I think the alcohol will make me sleep, offsetting the coffee from Cypress House I had.  Or the two elements will keep me awake again.  Last night I was up until 2 or 3, humming Jimmy Buffett tunes and playing Spider Solitare.

    I don't know why sleep eludes me so often.

Peace and Love

Maybe this will be a Thanksgiving guest.

Our booth, but not our stuff.  

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