Saturday, September 3, 2022

oh hum

 This was a pretty unspectacular day

    Mowed, again.  Seems to grow quickly with all the rain.

    Did laundry.  Let out the dogs.  

    I just don't seem to get motivated to do the little things.  I have said, "I'll do it tomorrow" so many times I have lost count.  Yet, tomorrow comes and it still isn't done.

    I always say tomorrow will be different, but it never is.  

    Tomorrow I plan to put my still inflated tire on the bike, put my new downspout extensions on, and take down the table in the den.  By  the way, it is a good hospital type table  that the girls bought Jackie.  Unfortunately, it does not work  with the chair Jackie uses. 

    And maybe I will take pictures of things in my garage I want to sell.  But, that was a spring project and I never did it.

    Those bug bites from the other night still bother me.  Now they are like nodules in two places....kind of hard and itchy.  I'll probably get some exotic disease from them.

    At least that would be something different.

Peace and Love


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