Tuesday, September 27, 2022


 Sometimes aging is just the pits

    Actual conversation tonight:

    Mwa mwa ma waa ah

    I can't hear you dear.  I am busy with the dishes.

I finish what I am doing, go out and say, what was it you wanted?

    She said, Huh?

    You said something to me and I don't know what you said.

    I don't remember.


    That is what aging does to you!  I can't hear and she can't remember.  I did not have my hearing aids in because I didn't feel like it.  I don't know why she can't remember though.  It must not have been important.

    I decided to use my at home Covid tests to be sure I have nothing more than a cold.

    I have 6 tests.....all 6 expired in May!  What the hell!!  I did not know they had expiration dates.  Emily said not to trust them as the results may be inaccurate.

    Talked to my brother and sister in law in Florida.  They are in the Fort Myers area and are hunkered down.  Tonight they have a tornado warning.  The spent the last couple of days storing anything loose, putting up hurricane shutters, stocking up on water and making sure the generator worked.  

    They have  a house, so it should withstand Ian.  My brother Carl has a mobile home down there and he is hoping it is still there in a few days.  Luckily he and his wife are still in Rockford.

    My cold is better.  I am still tired.  Still have a cough, but not like Monday.  I am sipping on a hot toddy and suddenly feel very warm!  I make it with water, a healthy dose of whiskey, and honey.  It soothes my throat and makes me tired.

    Hopefully this all make sense because it makes me a little goofy too.

    And Julia asked me this morning "At what point do you turn on the heat?  It is 64 downstairs."

    I told her we usually don't turn it on until October....but I did because I don't want to see her freezing while she works.

Peace and Love 

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