Sunday, September 4, 2022

dang it

 The best laid plans..

    I tried to get something done today.  I really did.

    I put the wheel back on my bike.  Now the brakes are in a permanently lock position and no matter how much I adjust them, they don't unlock off the wheel.  Hopefully someone who knows how to adjust brakes will wander into my world and show me what I am doing wrong.

    I also tackled the downspout extension project.

    Someone seems to have ridden over the ends of a couple of my downspouts while mowing the lawn.  Not going to point any fingers here, just suffice it to say the downspout ends are flattened.

    Here's my plan:  Cut new extensions.  Where the extension connects to the downspout, cut a U shap in the top of the extension.  Then drill holes in the extension and downspout.  Run a wire through the holes.  Now the downspout will lift up.  Put small pieces of Velcro where the end of the extension meets the downspout.  Flip up the downspout, the Velcro keeps it connected to the downspout. When done mowing take them down.

    I have 3 downspouts to do.  Allowing 60 minutes per downspout, I should finish in 3 hours.

    I spent the first 40 minutes looking for my tin snips.  The last time I used them was when John and Dan helped put up the tin ceiling in the basement.  But the snips were not in any of my tool boxes.  I did find them on a table in the garage.  I have no idea why or how they were there.

    Then I had to find the hacksaw.  That was was where I thought I put it.

    I carefully measured the first extension, cut it, grabbed an elbow to attach it to the downspout and discovered the downspout is mounted sideways, which means the elbow doesn't fit.

    Moved on to the next downspout.  Made sure the elbow fits, and cut a U in the end that attaches to the downspout.  It does not swivel.  I guess my U is not deep enough, so I will try again tomorrow.

    By now I have put in a little over 2 hours in and I have nothing except don't works to show for it.

    In celebration of Labor Day tomorrow, I will get one of the damn extensions done.  That should only take me 3 hours.

    Have a safe Labor Day.  Drive safely!  Watch for deer!

Peace and Love



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