Thursday, September 15, 2022

dream on

 OK folks, time ror a little analysis

    My dream.  Last night.

    I left my house in Chicago to take a pictue to a store for repair.  As I pulled away from the curb, Jackie came up to the car and gave me the picture.

    There was a fire just to the right, so traffic was a mess.

    I finally got to the store.

    The store was in a building that was 10 stories high and a city block long.  I don't know how wide it was.  

    A small train looped the building from bottom to top.  People rode the train to the top floor, where there were houses and apartments and a rooftop garden. 

    I could not find the store on the directory, so I had to go down a flight.  Someone was with me....a guy with black, curly hair who might have been my son.  I called for him but he got lost in the crowd.

    The train that looped the outside stopped at the fifth and 10th floors.  If you wanted to go down, you took an elevator or the stairs.  But the elevators only went down.  Yes.... I do see the problem with that.

    Each floor had a mix of stores...a bakery, grocer, cafe, some restuarants, and housing.  It was a huge area.

    I got to the next floor....and woke up.  I don't know if the picture got repaired.

    There were several of these high rises, with a core containing a school, hospital, and some businesses.

    It got me wondering.

    Is this the future?  Will humans be housed in facilities like this, where cars are not required?  Possibly the building's wastewater could be treated and recycled as drinking water, which is disgusting, I know.  But with water shortages all over the world, that could be a solution.

    (I used to tell my fifth graders that the water they drank today was the same water dinosaurs peed in millions of years ago.)

    What gets me is 12 hours later, I am still thinking about it....wondering who the boy was, how many people lived in a building, where did they work.

    But hey, it was a dream, and sometimes those don't have answers.

    Speaking of answers, took my bike tire to a different repair shop today.  They told me the tube had to have a "Schaffer valve", or something along that line.  That was because of the size of the opening in the rim for the valve.

    Problem is, they don't have any and don't know when they will get them because they are on backorder.

    So I left my tire with them.  The lady asked me if I was sure I wanted to do that and I told her might as well, I can't ride it when it is flat.  And when they finally come it, my tire might be first in line.

    Suffice it to say, I may not get much riding in this fall, or this year.  Which is sad, because I enjoy riding.

    Oh well....

Peace and Love

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