Sunday, September 18, 2022

checkin the list

 I worked on my to do list today

    Dig carrots.  Done.

    Well, sort of.  I dug up two for supper.  They look pretty good, last year's crop was dismal.

    Replace compost bin.  Not done.  I thought of it, but it was hot. And we did not get up until late because I had a terrible night.  I hurt all over:  my leg, my back, my neck.  No matter how I tried to lay in bed, I was uncomfortable.  The chair did not prove to be an answer.

    Replace window sensor.  I replaced it.  Sort of.  I moved it from one table to another.

    Water the porch plants.  Did that!!  I think this is the longest I have kept the hanging baskets alive, but they are starting to brown up.  But the mums look good, so do the impatients and the two salvia I have left.

    At 3:30 I said I would make supper at 5, so I went to take a short nap.  I woke up at around 5, so supper was delayed.

    I grilled some steaks and reheated my salmon on the grill.  The steaks were ok, but the salmon was a little dry....I think I reheated it too long.

    I had to eat it outside because someone can't stand the fish smell.  I had a nice dinner with some white wine out on the patio.  I even had company with all the damn little picnic bugs that surrounded me.  I had to fish 4 out of my wine, so every time I took a sip I inspected the glass.

    But tomorrow is another day.  I plan to mow, again.  When it gets a little cooler I will dig carrots and redo the compost bin....but I don't intend to do that when it is in the mid 80s.  

    Besides, that is good napping weather.

Peace and Love

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