Monday, September 19, 2022

holy cow

 I watched parts of the Queen's funeral today

    I was amazed at the pagentry, the traditions, the formality of the event.  Watching the streets lined with tens of thousands of people, some still weeping, but almost everyone taking a picture as the coffin passed...was inspiring.

    I know not everyone in England favors a monarchy, but those people respectfully kept their distance today.  No protests, signs, yelling politicians inciting was a wonderful display of respect for the Queen and country.

    I realized this will probably be the only spectacle on this level I will see.  Many people lining the streets probably fit that same description.  

    I can't imagine anything on this scale being done in the US, or anywhere else.

    Long live the King!

    I had a tasting party today.  Gave Jackie sour cottage cheese for lunch.  I smelled it first, and it seemed off.  She took a small bit on a spoon and almost gagged.  

    We had a tub of salsa in the fridge.  I had some with chips for lunch, and it was a little tangy.  I asked Julia when she bought it and she said when Nam and Matt were here.....which was in early July.

    I did not think salsa went bad, but I guess it does.  That also went into the garbage along with the cottage cheese.

    Today was mowing day.  Of the six houses in our little section, 4 of us mowed today and 1 yesterday.  Julia thinks we should all mow on the same day so the rest of the week is quiet.

    That's not a bad idea.

    Mixed a mojito and sat on the back patio.  It seemed to be getting very cool out there.  I think tomorrow will be our last hot day for a while, then the temps dive.

    I had no comments on the lousy Bears last night,  mainly because we lost power at about 10:30 and it was off for 2 hours.  I was "sleeping" on the porch, watching the lightning, when lights went back on in the house.  

    It is pretty dark out her when the lights go out.  Kind of nice.

Peace and Love



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