Wednesday, September 28, 2022

slowly, very slowly

I actually got a project done today 

    I finished my downspout extensions project.

    Feeling much better, I opted to work in the sun for a while. 

    Here was my plan:  I had four downspouts that needed new extensions.  One was simply put a gutter piece on but the others were more complicated.  I wanted them so they could be flipped  up when I was mowing.  I figure I spend about 10 minutes every time I mow taking downspouts off and putting them on again.

    I decided to hinge three of them.  That involved cutting away part of the top of he extension, screwing it to the elbow, and screwing it back onto the downspout.

    I am proud to say after 23 hours of effort, I have finished.  Figuring it saves me 10 minutes a mowing, and I mow 20 times a year, I will save 200 minutes a year.  So in 7 years, I should be ahead of the time saving game!

    What a waste.

    I also took out some yard things that I don't need anymore.  I took pictues of a fertilizer spreader, lawn roller, and my core aerator.  I figure to post the pictures on Facebook and sell them.

    But the aerator had a flat tire that would not air up.  Plus it looks a little rusty.  And it has been repaired.

    So....I made a sign that said "Free" and rolled it to the end of the driveway.  It was gone in 15 minutes!

    And you know, I don't feel bad about it.  I feel good!  I got rid of something that I no longer needed.....and that is damn rare for me.

    Maybe it is because I felt good today, or maybe I am just figuring out it is time to seriously get rid of unwanted items, but I am glad I did it.

    In any case, it is a big step for me.

    Now, maybe I will throw away that nut I bought.

    Bob and Anita are without power, last we heard.  Hunkered down in their house near Fort Myers and playing cards by flashlight.  Keep everyone in your thoughts and prayers as this storm makes its way across Florida.

Peace and Love

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