Monday, September 5, 2022

dag nab it

 Progress can be damn slow

    I managed to get one gutter extension complete.  I would have had the second, but my thumbs were so sore, I could not screw the two parts together.  I used to think Arthur Itis was a friend of my dad's, but I guess it is a friend of mine too.

    And Friend Steve came buy today and I now have a front bike wheel that turns.  He confirmed that I was doing the right adjustment, so we completed the task and all I have to do now is ride.

    I would go now, but I opened a bottle of red and have had a couple of glasses and it may not be a good idea. Plus, it is getting dark.  I had forgotten how quickly the days shorten in the fall.

    Julia made rosti tonight.  It is a Swiss dish, like hashbrowns but with ham and bacon and cheese.  I ate on the patio and closed my eyes, getting a vision of the view from Julia's house as I chewed.  But when I opened my eyes, no Lake Geneva or Alps in sight.

    It just feels weird to say September.  Summer sped past.  I think the older you get, the faster time goes.  

    And this is Labor Day.  I think it is strange that the Cubs were off today.  Seems this would be a day to play somewhere.  I am just glad that Albert guy is retiring after this year....he kills the Cubs!

    Finally, talked to my nephew in Switzerland today.  All is well there, warm, but not terrible.  They have not had a drought issue but parts of Italy, France, Spain and  Portugal have.  The climate is changing.  I just hope we can hang on.

Time for a refill.....

Peace and Love

 These guys love this native plant!

I am lousy about cucumbers.....I just don't know how to grow them.

It's big, but useless.  (That's what she said.)

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